Quote Originally Posted by Pokemon Trainer Sarah View Post
I like getting points for participating (as long as some effort was put in) and not just for 1st 2nd 3rd. I tried to suggest that for previous WARs but people thought that people might enter crappy things just to get points, which was a fair comment.
Yeah, I think that's a biggie that would make people a lot happier (and Neko's idea for it made sense, just have a much bigger pot of points to work with). I know with Creative Writing last year, there were a bunch of entries that I felt at least deserved something, but I only had so many points to distribute.

I also think the idea of having alliances and allied teams would be fun and cool to try out. But yeah, we would need to find a way to keep the alliances as balanced as possible to each other, but that should be easier than trying to keep half a dozen individual teams at the exact same number of players. If an official said "hey, the Moon Alliance needs people," that would at least give people a selection of individual teams to hop onto since all those Moon Alliance teams would be working together, but just with different characteristics.