Trainer Name: Rocky
Location: Mount Moon cavern system

Fury (0/16) Speedy (0/20) Rusty (1/25) Kick-Puncher (0/10) Behemoth (0/19) Professor (0/16)
Partner Pokémon:N/A
Egg: N/A
Items: Pokedex(1), Poketech(1), Pokeballs(12), Premier ball(1), Potions (2), Belue berry(1), Leaf stone(1), Moon Stone(1), Zinc(5-3 =2)
Current Game Points: (99 +14 from grunt fight+15 journal post +5 lotto job)=133
Posts: 75
Trainers Affected:

"Hoo-Rah!" Rocky shouted in delight as he saw that the others had escaped unharmed. "That was...intense. I think that is the word I would use to describe it."

"Nathan, I saw your battle. You took out that grunt's entire team with only one Pokemon, and it looks like it barely took a scratch. That was epic. I would have lost mine massively if Rusty here hadn't broken free of that nasty Rocket woman." Rusty was snuggled in Rocky's arms, looking exhausted and weak after the fight.

"Can we go back to the Pokemon Center?" Rose asked

"I could definitely use good rest after that fight." Rosky said to her. "Does anyone know how to use the map function on the Poketech? It should show us where the nearest Pokemon center is."