Quote Originally Posted by Neo Emolga View Post
Aww, thanks Sarah, I'm just a bit anxious. Yeah, job applications are like a full time job in itself. I did try to volunteer at a local YMCA, but they didn't even get back to me. Crazy to think they didn't even want free labor! >.>

I'd work at a local animal shelter, but I'm afraid I'm going to be like "aww, no one is adopting this cute cat... oh that does it, I'll take him home!" And then I'll see another and another and I'll come home with a zoo. XD
Haha yeah I'd wanna adopt all the puppies! xD That's weird they didn't contact you. Maybe they had enough people at the time. I know a lot of charities often have volunteer positions for helping with events and even admin stuff. Maybe you could look into that as you're great at organising things and have awesome graphics skills! :D

I wish there was a better way of finding jobs than just having to be in the right place at the right time. :( If they knew how great you are, people would be BEGGING you to work with them! Let me know if you ever need a reference. ;)