Bird Trainer Meg
Kaze(36/36)...Tidus (30/30)..Volt(35/35) .......Thrash(30/30) Nacht (29/29) Sappy(30/30)

Partner Pokemon:

Auric (25)
Egg: Mystery Egg (Steps to Hatch ??/??)
Infected Pokemon:


Poke Gems (29)
--Pokeballs (x9)(-1 Hoppip, Farfetch'd, Bonsly, Shadow Yamask. Shadow Poochyena. Duskull, Eevee )
---Premier Ball (x1)
----Great Ball (x0) (-1 Abra, shadow sandshrew, Meowth, Makhita, Natu )
-----Net Ball (x9)( Drops the capture cost by 5 points for bug and water types)-1 tentacool)
Heal Items
--Potion (x10) -

Alteration Items
--Belue Berry (Item Effect: User's level drops 5 points) (used on gliscor)
--- Zinc (Item Effects: Raises 6 Levels) (x4)
---- Shuca Berry (Changes a pokemon's color)(x1)
-----Salac Berry (Item Effect: Cures pokemon of Shadow Infection)(x4)
------ Cheri Berry (Item Effect: Heals 7 Points of health) (x1)

Hold Items
-- Red Scarf (Item Effects: Raises 2 Levels)
-- Blue Scarf (Item Effects: Raises 2 Levels)
----Everstone (Item Effect: Prevents Pokemon from Evolving)(x2)
---Eviolite (Gives an unevolved Pokemon Evolution Bonus, but prevents them from evolving)(x1)(Froakie is holding)

Battle Item
--Antidote (x5)(gets rid or poison/ghost/bug/dark type disadvantage)
--Paralyze Heal (x5)(gets rid of an electric/fighting/ground/rock type disadvantage.)
---Awakening (x4)(gets rid of a normal/grass/flying/psy type disadvantage.)
----Burn Heal (x5)(gets rid of a dragon/fire/steel type disadvantage)
-----X Defend (x2) (Increase a pokémon's total points by 5 for one battle. One-time use)
-----X Speed (x1)(Increase a pokémon's total points by 15 for one battle. One-time use)

Evolution Items
--Moon Stone (x1)
---Fire Stone (x1)
---Dusk Stone (X1)
---Water Stone (X1)
---Thunder Stone (x0)(used on Raichu)
---Metal Coat

Points: 1374 (+1)[/B]

GM Story Info
Current Location: Mega Cov / Four Island
Description: A small island connected to four Island.
Key Locations:
Pokemon Center: Open
Daycare: Open
Ice Cave: Open
Mega Peak: Open
Mega Cavern: Open
Lorelei House: Open
Foggy Forest: Open
Time: 10 am
Day: 33
Month: June 4th
Season: Summer
Weather: Cool Breeze coming in from the sea
Team: Alice, Rose, Rocky, Brandon, Meghan, Kyo
NPC: Logan

Trainer Name: Logon Flanagan

Buck/ Clamp / Ceaser

"Hey, Rose it's Alice and Meg! Welcome back. Thanks for taking care of my infected Pokemon Alice. Good to see you again, Meg. Did you find any sign of how we arrived here? I won a Pokemon Race!" Rocky proudly.

"Ooh... wait a minute... Chloe! You said you had a secret for me if I won the race. Time to pay up!" he then said to the young trainer Chole

When Meghan saw Rocky and Rose she rushed up to them quickly giving Rose a hug and slugging Rocky in the arm.
" Hey, guys! It's no problem really. I bought extra berries with me before I headed out to find you guys on the S.S. Ann. I knew they would come in handy. I'm lucky they didn't get crushed in all the camotion on that ship." she paused

"Sadly, I have not, maybe if we're lucky Kyo found out something from her Rocket friends that could get us off the island. The only thing I did was capture some shadow pokemon, run into Alice here, and battle a powerful trainer," she said turning her attention to the woman.

Meghan pulled out the Herocrosite.
" And winning this." She smiled

The lady started laughing and Chole jumped up.
"You beat gramps! That means.." she paused

" Mr. Roxs worth.." She said unsure of what to call Rocky.

" Your friends already know the secret. Look!" She pointed to the little spiky earned Pichu.

Meghan looked back.
"Oh yeah, we have an admirer but it seems to be looking for someone else." She smiled

"If you'll excuse me, I gotta heal my pokemon! Maybe give them a break." She said walking past. She followed the elderly woman into the next room to heal her pokemon.

Alice stood with a smile. The little Pichu curiously took a few steps towards Rocky before hiding behind Alice's legs.

For Rocky to unlock
Special Pokemon Unlocked
Points: 30 (T: Electric)
Hold Item:
Special stuff: This pokemon can not evolve! Well, it can but will lose the light ball! It also will allow you to hold two items (Only pokemon of its kind) meaning that this pokemon can hold an evolite so it will not get by evolution bones. (After 25 considered a Pikachu/ after 35 a Raichu)

As Rose and Alice caught up with each other. Brandon appeared. He had taken a hunch that the team might be interested in the Daycare Center and it paid off. As he approached the entrance he saw Rocky, Alice, and Rose standing out front. Soon after the CPU phone started to ring and Meg appeared.

" That was Logan. He met up with Kyo and they are waiting for us at the Pokemon Center." She smiled

"We may have a way off the island!"