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  1. #71
    Certified Eeveelution Enthusiast Dragon Master Mike's Avatar
    GCEA Staff

    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    New Jersey
    Name: Rose Woods
    Location: Route 24
    Team: Charmeleon (Ember)[M](21/21) Gabite [M](0/25) Kirlia (Lily)[F](25/25) Mankey (Courage)[M](17/17) Nidorino [M] (16/16) Parasect (25/25)
    Posts: 99
    Points: 9
    Items: Pokeball X5 Potion X3 Moon Stone X1 Green Scarf X1 Lemonade X2 Great Ball X1 Everstone X1 Enigma Berry X1 Rowap Berry X1
    Badges: Boulder, Water(was that the name?)
    Partner: Chingling 20/20 (Amirah)

    And then Rose magically calmed down because the story needs to move along and I'm taking too long.

    Outside the building, Rose was still shaking. Misty told them they she had failed to save Cerulean, but against what they were facing, how could anyone save them? "Max could do it..." She thought. Yes, that was it. Max could stop this. But they had to get him free first. "W-we... We need to get out of here." Rose said quietly, her voice trembling.

    Were the others still okay? She couldn't leave without them, but she refused to continue to do anything more inside the city. She had been shaken to her core, far past her breaking point. Rose heard screaming from somewhere down the road. She stood up, turning to face its source. Alice declared that they had to find the others, and Rose couldn't agree more. "L-let's go." She said, slowly beginning to head towards the source of the screams.

  2. #72
    Trainer Name:

    Meghan Stratus
    Tidus (18/18)/ Sappy (3/30)/ Moseby(19/30)/Rei(0/30)/ Pins(30/30)/ Nacht(7/29)
    [U]Partner Pokemon:

    Kaze (30/30)/ Abra (10/10)
    Infected Pokemon:
    Heracross 0/3 until it faints
    Honchcrow 0/7 until it faints\


    --Pokeballs (x6)
    ---Premier Ball (x0)
    ----Great Ball (x3) (-1 Abra, shadow sandshrew )
    Heal Items
    --Potion (x0) -
    Alteration Items
    --Belue Berry (Item Effect: User's level drops 5 points)
    --- Zinc (Item Effects: Raises 6 Levels) (x5)
    ---- Shuca Berry (Changes a pokemon's color)(x1)
    Hold Items
    -- Red Scarf (Item Effects: Raises 2 Levels)
    -- Blue Scarf (Item Effects: Raises 2 Levels)
    ----Everstone (Item Effect: Prevents Pokemon from Evolving)(x1)
    Evolution Items
    --Moon Stone (x1)
    ---Fire Stone (x1)

    Points:864 (+1)

    GM Story Info
    Current Location: Middle of Cerulean City
    Description: Middle of the night
    Key Locations:
    GYM: Closed
    Pokemon Center: Closed
    Pokemart: Closed
    Cerulean Cave: Closed
    Bike Shop: Closed
    Powder Man: Closed
    Route 9: Closed

    Route 24: Current Route
    Route 5: Closed
    Time: 1:45 am
    Day: 5
    Month: May
    Season: Summer
    Weather: Chilly

    Misty looked up in fear.
    "Something about it felt familiar...." She forced herself up.

    " He came for the Key Stone..must have known that gym leaders meets the requirements.. My Key Stone was very the wrong hands the person would have a weapon with possibly unlimited strenght." She said.

    As they talked wounded Rocket Grunts ran past shouting.
    "Get out of here..the boss lost control of Dredd!" the man screamed

    Mistys eyes widened and tears began to come down.
    "No cant be ." She said shocked.

    "You must hurry and find your friends." Misty said.

    " I have to contact someone for help. If what it was ..." she couldnt say his name. "We will need back up."


    Points: 32

    Points: 32

    @Brandon you can finish off Parasect

    Opponent: Shadow Sandslash
    Attacker: Heracross
    Opponent's Points: 17
    Attackers Points: 30
    Bonuses: +10 (Double Shadow Bonus)
    Opponent's Remaining Points: 0
    Attacker's Remaining Points: 3

    Heracross 0/3 until it faints

    Opponent: Shadow Arbok
    Attacker: Nidoking
    Opponent's Points: 32
    Attackers Points: 30
    Bonuses: +10 (Double Shadow Bonus)
    Opponent's Remaining Points: 12
    Attacker's Remaining Points: 0

    Opponent: Shadow Sandslash
    Attacker: Honchcrow
    Opponent's Points: 12
    Attackers Points: 29
    Bonuses: +10 (Double Shadow Bonus)
    Opponent's Remaining Points:
    Attacker's Remaining Points: 7

    Honchcrow 0/7 until it faints

    It had taken all them to fight together to beat back the shadow pokemon. There was no time to gloat.

    Meghan stepped forward
    " It's over! Your pokemon are down. Stop this now. Or.."

    The man didnt say anything at first. The sound of the crackling would breaking apart and the groans of the injured were all they could here. Finally the man using his power began to float. He moved within the distance of the group.

    * Over? You believe you and your friends and your teamwork is enough to stop me?* He held his hand and more pokeballs floated.

    Appearing in front of them. Four new pokemon.

    The then whistled and the dragon type descended letting out a blast of purple flames cutting off the groups exit.

    Lila landed near Dredd letting out a loud roar.

    * You have done nothing. * He screamed out. This time purple energy moving through a shock wave through the team knocking them down to their knees. They struggled to get back to their feet as the energy weakened them.

    *Now then, bare witness to the true power of Shadow Energy.* He lifted up his arm and pulled up his sleeve. Under the sleeve was Key Stone. An item Jacob had seen before and the others were familiar.

    Lilas charm on her neck began to glow the team watched in horror as the pokemon transformed before there eyes.

    Boss Battle!
    Shadow Mega Charizard X

    Points: 61 (36 + 10 Shadow Bonus + 15 Meg Bonus)

    (Okay here is the deal with Mega's they get a +10 Evo bonus over everything and a because its a shadow type a +5 Type bonus still. After gym 5 or 6 all shadow bonuses will be a +10 but for now thats to damn powerful. In Hoenn thats about to go into effect cause the 6th gym is finished. Normal megas also get a +10 evo bonus)

    Dredd turned to the other team.

    *Greet our other guests*

    Shadow Pokemon Attack (Not Catachable) For Alice and Rose




    Points: 39

    Proud partner with @Pokemon Trainer Sarah


    Gible bite's Comic

    GCEA Trainer Links based on title characters

    ....GCEA Diamond/Platnium/ Blizard Blue/Platnium 2/ Pokemon Prism.......

  3. #73
    growing strong Pokemon Trainer Sarah's Avatar
    Site Editor

    Senior Administrator

    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Route 1
    Trainer Name: Alice
    Location: Cerulean City

    Aster (30/30)
    [Ivysaur, Male]
    ??? (30/30)
    [Tyrunt, Male]
    Jedi (5/30)
    [Braixen, Female]
    Citrus (30/30)
    [Butterfree, Male]
    Memento (30/30)
    [Mawile, Female]
    Plume (30/30)
    [Archen, Female]

    Egg: (P15;30/30)
    Partner Pokemon: Paprika [Pichu, Female] (25/25), Abra [Male] (10/10)
    Items: Pokeball (x11), Potions (x4), Premier Ball (x2), Lemonade (x2)
    Points: 0 (+15)

    [Poison counter: Jedi 2/5]

    Misty mentioned a key stone as they walked. Alice frowned. She knew about key stones... They had been first discovered in Kalos and could be used to mega evolve Pokemon. If that man had Misty's keystone then they were in huge trouble...

    A running grunt mentioned the name Dredd. Something in Misty seemed to break. "Max?" Alice whispered, it couldn't be! But Misty seemed to believe it was. She left in a hurry to make a call. Alice refused to believe this was anything to do with Max. He was too strong to let anything like this happen. Probably they had heard wrong.

    When they reached the others, Alice was glad to see they were all in one piece, but her stomach dropped at the site of the man from earlier. A Mega Charizard stood before the rest of the group. A Charizard.... Max had a Charizard...but this one looked crazed... It couldn't be.

    Suddenly the man turned toward Alice and Rose. Alice forced herself to look into his face, which was mostly covered. In the gym it was too dark to see... But here, in the flickering light from the burning city... Could it be?

    *Greet our other guests*

    Alice heard the voice in her head. Four shadow Pokemon advanced toward them. Alice's breath caught on her throat as she looked at the Tyrunt. She had studied many Tyrunt over the years. Her father had discovered them. To most people, Tyrunt all looked the same, but Alice knew what to look for. Snout width... Hip length.... Brow depth... All the things she had noticed when she first saw the little Tyrunt in Pewter city. This was that Tyrunt, who had once been so happy and carefree. Now it stared at them hungrily. Tears raced down Alice's face. She looked to Meg and the others, but they were too far away. Had they realised?

    The Pokemon began to attack. She couldn't lose it now. "We can do this," she said to Rose, hoping to calm her.

    Opponent: Shadow Marshtomp
    Attacker: Mawile
    Opponent's Points: 26
    Attackers Points: 30
    Bonuses: 5 ( +10 Shadow Bonus, -5 evo)
    Opponent's Remaining Points: 1
    Attacker's Remaining Points: 0

    Opponent: Shadow Marshtomp
    Attacker: Butterfree
    Opponent's Points: 1
    Attackers Points: 30
    Bonuses: +5 ( +10 Shadow Bonus,-5 evo)
    Opponent's Remaining Points: 0
    Attacker's Remaining Points: 24

    Opponent: Shadow Tyrunt
    Attacker: Butterfree
    Opponent's Points: 39
    Attackers Points: 24
    Bonuses: +5 (Double Shadow Bonus +10, evo -5)
    Opponent's Remaining Points: 20
    Attacker's Remaining Points: 0

    Opponent: Shadow Tyrunt
    Attacker: Tyrunt
    Opponent's Points: 20
    Attackers Points: 30
    Bonuses: +10 ( Shadow Bonus)
    Opponent's Remaining Points: 0
    Attacker's Remaining Points: 0

    After a vicious battle, both Tyrunt fainted.

    Alice stepped past the fainted shadows, toward Max. As she got closer she felt the horrible void from the gym fill her. But there was something else... Just for a split second... "Max!" she yelled. "I know it's you, Max! Stop this! What did they do to you?! Max... Don't let them win! Stop this, Max! We're your friends!" Alice cried hard now. "Don't you remember at all?!"

  4. #74
    Certified Eeveelution Enthusiast Dragon Master Mike's Avatar
    GCEA Staff

    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    New Jersey
    Name: Rose Woods
    Location: Route 24
    Team: Charmeleon (Ember)[M](21/21) Gabite [M](0/25) Kirlia (Lily)[F](25/25) Mankey (Courage)[M](17/17) Nidorino [M] (16/16) Parasect (25/25)
    Posts: 100
    Points: 10
    Items: Pokeball X5 Potion X3 Moon Stone X1 Green Scarf X1 Lemonade X2 Great Ball X1 Everstone X1 Enigma Berry X1 Rowap Berry X1
    Badges: Boulder, Water(was that the name?)
    Partner: Chingling 20/20 (Amirah)

    The shadow Pokemon began to engage them, and Rose panicked. Just fighting some before had caused her Gabite to faint, even though it had won. She could only hope he would be okay. She didn't want to risk sending anything else out to fight them, but she knew she had no choice. She grabbed her Parasect's Pokeball, her hand trembling. Alice's reassuring words helped her, but she didn't feel confident.

    Opponent: Shadow Combusken
    Attacker: Parasect
    Opponent's Points: 26
    Attackers Points: 25
    Bonuses: +5 shadow vs bug, +5 shadow vs grass, -2 evo
    Opponent's Remaining Points: 9
    Attacker's Remaining Points: 0

    Opponent: Shadow Combusken
    Attacker: Kirlia
    Opponent's Points: 9
    Attackers Points: 25
    Bonuses: +5 shadow vs psychic, +5 shadow vs fairy
    Opponent's Remaining Points: 0
    Attacker's Remaining Points: 6

    Lemonade and potion on Kirlia

    Opponent: Shadow Sceptile
    Attacker: Kirlia
    Opponent's Points: 26
    Attackers Points: 24
    Bonuses: +10 shadow X2, +2 evo
    Opponent's Remaining Points: 14
    Attacker's Remaining Points: 0

    Opponent: Shadow Sceptile
    Attacker: Nidorino
    Opponent's Points: 14
    Attackers Points: 16
    Bonuses: +5 Shadow, +2 evo
    Opponent's Remaining Points: 5
    Attacker's Remaining Points: 0

    Opponent: Shadow Sceptile
    Attacker: Mankey
    Opponent's Points: 5
    Attackers Points: 17
    Bonuses: +5 shadow +5 evo
    Opponent's Remaining Points: 0
    Attacker's Remaining Points: 2

    Mankey faints from shadow infection?

    Almost her entire team was now gone though. Alice came to the realization that this person was Max. Was this true though? It didn't seem possible to Rose. But the things Misty had said... And the tone of Max's voice when he had given him the warning... Could it possibly be? She had simply assumed that it had been reading their minds when it talked to them earlier, but could it have known those things because... Rose didn't want to continue thinking about the possibility. There was one way she could think of to possibly confirm it. "Amirah!" Rose called out, a tear streaming down her left cheek. "Try to focus on it!" She continued, referring to the man who was the cause of all this. "The system in Max's base said that our psychic waves were similar. If this really is Max, I should be able to make some kind of connection." Rose thought. Max had made a connection with her previously. Even if she couldn't do the same, if this really was Max, she thought she could at least confirm this by trying to sense the psychic waves he was giving off, if any... Assuming there were any left. Her senses began to become unfocused, Amirah's energy being diverted to trying to find the waves she had asked for.

  5. #75

    Trainer Name: 'Ace Trainer' Rocky
    badges: Boulder badge, Cascade badge
    Location: cerulean city

    Sniper (0/30) Speedy (0/30) Rusty (0/25) Behemoth (0/30) Professor Needles (0/30) Fury(0/30)

    Partner Pokémon:Pancham, Abra
    Egg: Bunneary: (40/40)
    Infected Pokemon:
    Items: Pokedex(1), Poketech(1), Pokeballs(9), Premier ball(1), Great ball (1),Potions 5pts(4), Leaf stone(1), Blue Scarf (1-speedy), Rowp Berry(1), Red Scarf (1-Professor)
    Current Game Points: 95
    Posts: 175
    Trainers Affected:

    Somehow the team had managed to fight off the Shadowman's team.

    Rocky looked around for a way for the trainers to retreat. Meg however had other plans. "It's over! Your pokemon are down. Stop this now. Or.." She started. Then she stopped as the Shadowman used his shadow powers to rise into the air and float over to them.

    * Over? You believe you and your friends and your teamwork is enough to stop me?*
    * You have done nothing. *

    *Now then, bare witness to the true power of Shadow Energy.*

    Shadowman than released a shadow Charizard.

    Before Rocky could comprehend the danger of a shadow Charizard, Shadowman pulled out some sort of stone and mega-evolved the Charizard into Shadow Mega-charizard-X.

    "And this is why I was in favor of leaving when we had the chance!" Rocky said looking up at the huge beast.

    "We're going to have to work together to take that thing down. I'll draw it's attention and try to slow it down, then look for a weak spot and hit it as hard as you can."

    "Rusty, Fury and Behemoth! I choose you!" Rocky's three remaining Pokemon appeared. They looked up at the huge warped Charizard and shrunk back in fear. Even Fury was taken aback at the sight of the huge enemy.

    "Fury and Behemoth, I need you to do your molten sand trick. Try to weigh down that Charizard's wings by encasing them in glass."

    The Charmeleon and Hippopotas nodded, understanding their assignments.

    "That leaves you Rusty. You are the only one I could trust to do this. I need you to gain that thing's full attention. Make it chase you so that it turns it's back on Fury and Behemoth. Then duck and cover protect yourself, hopefully our combined efforts can take it down."

    SRusty let out a nervous "Aron" but then ran out to confront the Shadow-Charizard-X. The huge monster let out a hideous laugh at the sight of the little Aron daring to challenge it. It laughed until it got hit in the open mouth by a nice accurate rock, thrown by Rusty.

    The huge shadow monster then flew into a rage and charged at Rusty. Rusty tucked herself into a steel ball for defense. The shadow-Mega-Charizard-X hit Rusty so hard that she flew straight through the side of a building, like a cannonball.

    Opponent: Shadow Mega-Charizard-X
    Attacker: Rusty the Aron
    Opponent's Points: 61
    Attackers Points: 25
    Bonuses: +20 (+10 mega-evo, +5 shadow v steel, +5 shadow v rock)
    Opponent's Remaining Points: 56
    Attacker's Remaining Points: 0

    As the shadow-Mega-Charizard-X roared in victory, Fury and Behemoth set up their attack from the rear. Behemoth shot a stream of concentrated sand at the left wing of the shadow-Mega-Charizard-X. It was, by itself, a very ineffective attack against the huge opponent. However at the same moment, Fury shot a ferocious flamethrower attack through the sand, melting it into molten glass.

    The glass stuck to the wing of the shadow-Mega-Charizard-X dragging it downwards and slowly stiffening the wing. the shadow-Mega-Charizard-X did not take kindly to the attack however and turned on it's attacker. Before Rocky coudl pull them back outof the way the shadow-Mega-Charizard-Xhad knokec them down and was trying to eat Fury.

    Opponent: Shadow Mega-Charizard-X
    Attacker: Behemoth the Hippopotas
    Opponent's Points: 56
    Attackers Points: 30
    Bonuses: +15 (+10 mega-evo, +5 shadow v ground)
    Opponent's Remaining Points: 41
    Attacker's Remaining Points: 0

    Opponent: Shadow Mega-Charizard-X
    Attacker: Fury the Charmeleon
    Opponent's Points: 41
    Attackers Points: 30
    Bonuses: +15 (+10 mega-evo, +5 shadow v ground)
    Opponent's Remaining Points: 26
    Attacker's Remaining Points: 0

    Rocky called back Fury and Behemoth before the Shadow Mega-Charizard-X could finish the job and feat upon his fainted Pokemon. He had succedded in getting the Shadow Mega-Charizard-X's attention, but now he wasn't sure that that was such a good thing. He ran and dived behind some broken rubble, hoping that someone would finish the job before he got eaten himself.

  6. #76
    Trainer Name:

    Meghan Stratus
    Tidus (0/30)/ Sappy (2/30)/ Moseby(19/30)/Rei(0/30)/ Pins(0/30)/ Nacht(6/29)
    [U]Partner Pokemon:

    Kaze (30/30)/ Abra (10/10)
    Infected Pokemon:
    Heracross 0/3 until it faints
    Honchcrow 0/7 until it faints\


    --Pokeballs (x6)
    ---Premier Ball (x0)
    ----Great Ball (x3) (-1 Abra, shadow sandshrew )
    Heal Items
    --Potion (x0) -
    Alteration Items
    --Belue Berry (Item Effect: User's level drops 5 points)
    --- Zinc (Item Effects: Raises 6 Levels) (x5)
    ---- Shuca Berry (Changes a pokemon's color)(x1)
    Hold Items
    -- Red Scarf (Item Effects: Raises 2 Levels)
    -- Blue Scarf (Item Effects: Raises 2 Levels)
    ----Everstone (Item Effect: Prevents Pokemon from Evolving)(x1)
    Evolution Items
    --Moon Stone (x1)
    ---Fire Stone (x1)

    Points:865 (+1)

    GM Story Info
    Current Location: Middle of Cerulean City
    Description: Middle of the night
    Key Locations:
    GYM: Closed
    Pokemon Center: Closed
    Pokemart: Closed
    Cerulean Cave: Closed
    Bike Shop: Closed
    Powder Man: Closed
    Route 9: Closed

    Route 24: Current Route
    Route 5: Closed
    Time: 1:45 am
    Day: 5
    Month: May
    Season: Summer
    Weather: Chilly

    @Pokmeon Trainer Sarah and Dragon Master Mike Niether one of your posts really acknowledged the fact that the team is fighting a mega pokemon which makes me feel like you are still far away.

    Dredds attention moved quickly to Rocky. Rocky had battled well and to a point felt confident about the outcome. However the creature focused turned to Alice and Rose as they came running up from the east.

    "Max!" she yelled. "I know it's you, Max! Stop this! What did they do to you?! Max... Don't let them win! Stop this, Max! We're your friends!" Alice cried hard now. "Don't you remember at all?!"

    Dredd looked at the girl.
    *Max? * It paused thinking.

    * We...* He paused confused

    Before he could properly take it in. Alakazam appeared

    *This creature is not my trainer...and its crimes end now!!!!*

    Alakazam used the full force its power to unleash a massive psychic attack that caused a huge explosion knocked everyone to the ground.

    Lila let out a loud roar using her powerful wings to clear the smoke. He focus on Rocky. She dove down quickly slamming him to the ground.

    On the other end Alice and Rose were knocked to the ground. Rose was unresponsive as Alice made her way through the smoke frantically looking for her. When she found her friend she carefully checked on her. Calling her name to wake her up.

    Rose found herself standing in the middle of Cerulean. Her vision was back. She could see clearly and was happy to see the city was fine but it was completely empty. She called out but the whole city was silent...then in the distance she could hear her name being called. She recognized the voice but for some reason couldnt lock down name. Before the fear could even set in she heard another voice.

    *Be calm Rose. He can't hurt you hear.* The friendly voice from her dream said

    A ball of white light bounced around.

    * Right now your mind is locked down mode. Something magical has happened to you that will take some time for you to understand. Right now you are locked in your mind. To let someone in you simply have to focus on them.* The voice paused

    The ball of light started to form into a person. Still to blurry to make out.

    *You see? You are starting to relax..* The voice said happily.

    The bright human figured walked over to one of the doors and noticed it was locked. He than walked over to the next door finding it to was locked.

    The man paused scratching his head.
    *I got it! Who is your poke partner? *

    As her partner started to appear people started to appear in the street walking around and talking.

    *Next lets try something harder. Who is the girl trying to help you right now..the one who loves dinos?*

    (@dragon master mike sorry this is lot to respond to.)

    As she thought about it Alice found herself being transported into Roses thoughts. Her mind was now standing just feet away from Rose and the bright blurr.

    Meanwhile on the outside Jacob , Megahn and Brandon were all separated. The blast of psychic energy mixed with the shadow energy had really thrown them off. As the ringing in her ear stopped she could hear something going. She made her way through the smoke to see the Mega Charizard knocking Rocky around.

    Tidus moved right behind her.
    "Croconaw!" It growled.

    The water type rushed in quickly jumping at the Mega pokemon but knocked back hard. As it struggled to get up Meghan Rushed over. Tidus looked at her and began to glow.

    Pokémon You're Evolving: Croconaw
    Pokémon it Evolves Into: Feraligatr
    Evolution Point Requirement: 30
    Points On-Hand: 865
    Points After Evolution: 835

    Opponent: Shadow Mega-Charizard-X
    Attacker: Nidoking
    Opponent's Points: 26
    Attackers Points: 30
    Bonuses: +20
    Opponent's Remaining Points: 16
    Attacker's Remaining Points: 0

    Opponent: Shadow Mega-Charizard-X
    Attacker: Feraligatr
    Opponent's Points: 16
    Attackers Points: 30
    Bonuses: +15 (+10 mega-evo, +5 shadow type)
    Points Paying for: 1
    Points on Hand: 835
    Points After: 834
    Opponent's Remaining Points: 0
    Attacker's Remaining Points: 0

    Mega Charizard had pushed the team to there limits as the pokemon fainted. It reverted back to the Charizard. Right before the explosion she had seen Alice and Rose but couldnt hear what they were saying.

    (It should be assumed that Rocky, Jacob, Brandon and Megahn didnt hear what Alice said.)

    In the center Alakazam stood there breathing heavy waiting for the smoke to clear. Jacob and the others could finally see Alakazam who rocked back and forth ready to fall over. In the center of the blast now a purple glow could be seen. With smoke clear enough the team could see the man had been unfazed by the blast.

    (Going to leave this open for responses )

    Proud partner with @Pokemon Trainer Sarah


    Gible bite's Comic

    GCEA Trainer Links based on title characters

    ....GCEA Diamond/Platnium/ Blizard Blue/Platnium 2/ Pokemon Prism.......

  7. #77
    Certified Eeveelution Enthusiast Dragon Master Mike's Avatar
    GCEA Staff

    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    New Jersey
    Name: Rose Woods
    Location: Route 24
    Team: Charmeleon (Ember)[M](21/21) Gabite [M](0/25) Kirlia (Lily)[F](25/25) Mankey (Courage)[M](17/17) Nidorino [M] (16/16) Parasect (25/25)
    Posts: 101
    Points: 11
    Items: Pokeball X5 Potion X3 Moon Stone X1 Green Scarf X1 Lemonade X2 Great Ball X1 Everstone X1 Enigma Berry X1 Rowap Berry X1
    Badges: Boulder, Water(was that the name?)
    Partner: Chingling 20/20 (Amirah)

    Suddenly she felt a massive shockwave, and her senses were overwhelmed by psychic energy. Almost immediately after, she blacked out. A moment later, she was (still) trembling with fear. Something was different though. She opened her eyes, and immediately squinted, reacting to the sudden bright light that shouldn't have been there... Yet somehow it was. She opened her eyes fully and looked around. She had no clue what was happening, but somehow she knew this wasn't real. Was this going to turn into something like the dream she had had earlier? She knew Cerulean certainly did not look this peaceful at the moment.

    Suddenly a voice began speaking to her. It explained her current situation, and that she could bring someone here by thinking about them. She thought about Amirah, and suddenly the little psychic type was floating by her side. With the psychic type there, her surroundings came into focus, yet she could still see with her eyes. This was all so strange to her. Who was this person who was helping her? Was he even real, or was he simply created by her mind? She focused on Alice, and suddenly she was there too.

    "I... Don't know what's happening." She explained to her. While she still new more than Alice did, she didn't know what was causing all of this. "So, if I can bring someone here by thinking about them..." She thought. She closed her eyes and began to focus. She knew exactly who she wanted to find. Her eyes closed, she began to focus on Max, hoping that it would work. It didn't seem possible to her that the man outside could have been him, and she could confirm it if she could bring him here, and if she could, she might be able to get some information from him.

  8. #78
    I came in like a wrecking ball... [Desolate Divine]'s Avatar
    Senior Moderator

    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Melbourne Australia

    Trainer Name: Jacob
    Current Points: 12
    Badges: 6
    Location: Fortree City

    Pokemon In Party: (6/6)!
    Team Status:

    (Gwaine. 0/45)(Pyro. 0/36)(Crush. 0/36)(Magnitude. 0/45)(Juana. 0/35)(Sparks. 2/30)(Apollo. Partner) (Artemis. Partner)

    (Salt. 35/35)(Pulsar. 10/10)(Stryker. 30/30)
    (Sid. 10/10)(Shruikan. 35/35)(Treemo. 14/14)
    (Avacyn. 25/25)(Shroud. 40/40)(Tsuchi. 25/25)
    (Toxin. 40/40)(Electron. 12/12)(Venom. 35/35)
    (Crimson. 32/32)(Seed. 30/30)(Chubs. 30/30)
    (East. 11/11)(Aura. 24.24)(Anion. 20/20)
    (Spud. 30/30)(Skillet. 32/32)(Flora. 30/30)
    (Skipper. 36/36)(Chaos. 25/25)(Mushu. 40/40)
    (Peter. 5/5)(Arc. 25/25)

    I watched as Dredd called out more Pokemon. I was helpless. I had used all my team before, battling the rocket grunts, and the shadow Pokemon. Luckily Rocky and Meg manged to take out the Mega Shadow.

    "If only I had been taken an hour later." I muttered to myself, "Then I would probably have a key stone as well."

    I turned to Meg.

    "How many more freaking Pokemon can he have?" I asked.

  9. #79
    growing strong Pokemon Trainer Sarah's Avatar
    Site Editor

    Senior Administrator

    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Route 1
    Trainer Name: Alice
    Location: Cerulean City

    Aster (30/30)
    [Ivysaur, Male]
    ??? (0/30)
    [Tyrunt, Male]
    Jedi (5/30)
    [Braixen, Female]
    Citrus (0/30)
    [Butterfree, Male]
    Memento (0/30)
    [Mawile, Female]
    Plume (30/30)
    [Archen, Female]

    Egg: (P15;30/30)
    Partner Pokemon: Paprika [Pichu, Female] (25/25), Abra [Male] (10/10)
    Items: Pokeball (x11), Potions (x4), Premier Ball (x2), Lemonade (x2)
    Points: 0 (+16)

    [Poison counter: Jedi 3/5]

    Alice stood before the monster that was once Max. When he looked at her, she knew she was right. It was him.

    *Max?* the creature said. It paused for a moment. * We...* It paused again.

    Alice felt a tiny bit of hope bloom in her heart. Max was in there... somewhere....

    Before anything else could happen, Alakazam appeared before them.

    *This creature is not my trainer...and its crimes end now!!!!* Alakazam cried as he launched into a Psychic attack.

    "NO!" Alice cried, but it was too late. There was a blinding flash and she was flung through the smoke-filled air. She landed hard on her side, but nothing seemed broken. She crawled gingerly through the smoke, trying to find Rose. There was no time to waste... if Alakazam hadn't knocked Max out, he would be even angrier now...

    Finally Alice found Rose. She was very still. "Rose?" Alice said quietly. Her eyes were ringing, but she didn't want to draw any attention to them. She placed a hand gently on Rose's shoulder, unsure if she was injured. "Rose? Can you hear me? We have to get out of here..."

    Alice suddenly started feeling dizzy. She toppled sideways, on all fours and shook her head. What was happening? When she opened her eyes she was surprised to find herself standing in Cerulean City. But it was just as it had been earlier that day... no rubble, no smoke... people walking by happily... She didn't understand what was happening. Then she noticed Rose's Chingling hovering nearby. And there was Rose! ((I assume Rose is visible in her own thoughts xD)) Alice ran over to her. A strange, glowing human-like shape hovered nearby.

    "I... Don't know what's happening." Rose said.

    Alice didn't either. "Where are..." Alice was going to ask, but Rose had already closed her eyes and seemed to be concentrating hard. Alice stayed silent, not wanting to disturb her. She knew something strange was going on... something beyond her understanding.

    "Who are you?" she asked the bright light instead.

  10. #80
    Original GCEA Member brandon_g's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    GCEA Section
    Trainer Name: Brandon


    Skipper - [16/16]

    Marshtomp - [16/16]

    Butterfree - [0/25]

    Pidgetto - [18/18]

    Mankey - [20/20]

    Parasect - [25/25]
    Items: Pokeball x4
    Points: 101

    *Wow so much happenend, sorry guys for my lack of response, 1st chance I have had to post in a couple days*

    After Brandon had fled, things began going from bad to worse, Alice and Meghan approached the figure and spoke to it. Meghab basicly challenged and angered it, it then sent out 2 more shadow pokemon AND a Mega Dark Charizard. Rocky battled it furiously, but it was just too strong. Alice and Rose took care of the other 2. Right as Brandon was begining to think he would have to run over and try to help bring down the Dark Mega, Alazakam appeared out of no where and with all its power, took down the Dark Mega Charizard, along with most of the group in process due to the sheer strength of the attack. The group had been thrown all over the place, Brandon wanted to go see if he could help some of the others, but he was so in shock and wonder about all that had just happened, that his muscles refused to move. Beside him, Skipper who had looked nervous while the Dark Mega Charizard was still standing, now looked awed, bewildered and scared, the Charmeleon didn't want to become like that, he hoped he wouldn't.
    Last edited by brandon_g; 10-27-2015 at 11:13 AM.
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