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  1. #101
    Quote Originally Posted by Suicune's Fire View Post
    Is that what "belt up" was meant to mean? I've never heard that in my life. xD Most online Australian slang is unknown to Australians.
    Hahahaha fail on my part!

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  2. #102
    growing strong Pokemon Trainer Sarah's Avatar
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    Haha I was wondering about belt up too xD That's funny. This comic looks like it will be awesome :D

  3. #103
    Suicune's Grace-One Shot (Maybe Part One!)
    -Edits coming soon I imagine-

    Proud partner with @Pokemon Trainer Sarah


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  5. #104
    AWW, DREDD!!!!!!! THIS IS THE BEST COMIC EVER!!!!!! Ahaha I loved the whole thing! AND THE CAMEOS! Lemme try to name them in order...

    Charmander - @FedoraChar! 8D Yay! xD
    Rayquaza - @ray_quazaa (bawss!)
    Dratini - @Dragon Master Mike (omg I love the X-Men comic and the Batman headphones XD)
    Gyarados - I don't know, but he was great. XD I loved the part with the boat sinking. XD The dude going "Help!" just made the whole thing
    Poison types - I don't know again, but I have a feeling one of them is Jacob. XD
    Grovyle - @XaiakuX (AHAHA THIS PANEL MADE ME LAUGH SO HARD! XD I love the little beard! And the last two lines got me. xD "I literally spent the whole night trying to think of one thing about me that wasn't awesome. Couldn't do it." XD I LOVE IT SO MUCH AHAHAHA!)
    Keldeo - @Lightning Dash
    Clefairy - @Corey (LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL! This is soooo good. I LOVE that it spells out SOFTY. Brilliant. xD)
    Floatzel - @Trainer17 (Awww Sammy! I love that we sat by the pond. xD Cute as)

    Grammar stuff:
    Third panel, Char: "I went ahead and schedule" should be "scheduled"
    "You big gallah" panel, Gyarados: "shelder" needs to have another L stuck in there!
    Corey's speech: "ideal while are kind" should be "idle while our kind"
    Corey's speech in the following panel he's in: "Dazzling gem" should be "Dazzling gleam" I assume, if you're sticking to the move. xD Which is a very funny line.
    Gible's speech when recounting the Patty situation: "Afterwords" should be "Afterwards" and "Tell that to Patty's heart that" has an extra "that" on the end which you should get rid of. xD

    Ugghhh, 6am get up! Nooo! My worst nightmare! But ahaha, the frizzy morning hair! And I love her azurill pyjamas. xD It makes me laugh that Grace can leap, like, over anything she wants. XD It's so good.

    LOL "you big galah!" XD Ahahaha made me laugh! I love galahs! 8D And lol the "spring break!" grimers. xD AHAHA their speech is so funny as well! "This chick is aggressive, bro." XD And the other one, thinking it's falling in love. THE CALEB PART. OH MY GOSH I LOST IT AT THAT PANEL. XD I loved his speech! It was so good. And the Mass Effect poster in the background is awesome. <3 Except that Ashley looks kinda creepy. XD But ahahaha, Grovyle Caleb... xD

    The SOFTY idea was awesome. XD Oh my gosh. So funny! You always come up with the most hilarious stuff. I love that it was Corey, too. XD I LOVE when you make cameo characters from PXR in the comic! It's brilliant. XD And Gible throwing the cupcakes! XD "The real ones had more flavour," ahaha, so good. And the final panel is so cute. <3

    Fantastic comic as always, Dredd! I especially love the Grace ones. ;D And the whole day was hilarious. Very well done. C: I hope everyone involved loved it too! XD

  6. #105
    Elite Four Member Trainer17's Avatar
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    Damn you dredd. Now you got me in the lovey dovey feels all over again ♡♥♡ hahaha pretty epic ending btw :3 keep those rolling in man. You has a talent the world has yet to know!

    @Suicune's Fire; ♥♥♥ as tough as your day can be; remember we're in this together wifey! Fight on!!
    Paired with the lovable 💕 Kaoru 💕

    - I has risen from the ashes of the flames -

  7. #106
    Certified Eeveelution Enthusiast Dragon Master Mike's Avatar
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    Oh my god this comic was fantastic. Is that a Gameboy Advance that you gave me lol?

  8. #107
    Quote Originally Posted by Trainer17 View Post
    Damn you dredd. Now you got me in the lovey dovey feels all over again ♡♥♡ hahaha pretty epic ending btw :3 keep those rolling in man. You has a talent the world has yet to know!

    @Suicune's Fire; ♥♥♥ as tough as your day can be; remember we're in this together wifey! Fight on!!
    Ahahaha aww. Definitely an epic ending! I'm so honoured to appear in this comic. :,)


    Quote Originally Posted by Dragon Master Mike View Post
    Oh my god this comic was fantastic. Is that a Gameboy Advance that you gave me lol?
    I think it was the music player that's attached to your headphones! xD

  9. #108
    growing strong Pokemon Trainer Sarah's Avatar
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    Hahaha. That comic was so awesome! I loved seeing all the cameos. xD Brilliant work! I loved the Gyarados bit. xD I wonder if anything is going to happen with Rayquaza's threat. :O Nice work, Dredd!

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  11. #109
    I second Sarah's comment all the way! xD I reckon you should definitely have Sarah as a cameo next time. c:

  12. #110
    @Suicune's Fire A few things!

    1. Im really glad you enjoyed it!
    2. I had a lot of fun making this and I tried a slightly different style then my normal Gible Bites.
    3. This comic let me set up a lot of things! @Pokemon Trainer Sarah Hit it on the nose. This comic is linked to an upcoming story for Gible. This comic is also not complete !! there are two frames missing from this that will be added in the next day or two. They are about the background story! Ill try to finish those.
    4. I created a stand alone story for Grace ! I did that just incase I wanted to come back this. I also left it open for you Grace if you ever wanted to try your hand at one shot or something like that.
    5. There will be a second part to this ! Not sure how soon but I have more people in mind for the next half.

    I hope no one got offended by the little jokes in this. I really didnt get to do much with some of the cameos. Mike and Sam stick out. I thought I got a good laugh with Corey and Calebs. Ray and Mike will be featured in one of the deleted will Keldeo Dash ;)

    @Trainer 17 - Im glad you liked it Sam. I really wanted to paint a world based on this forum. I really had a hard time picking out a pokemon for you! Two pokemon came to mind. Floatilze and Greeninja! I ended up picking Float because he is energetic strong willed and pretty friendly! I picked a water type because you were a firefighter.
    @Dragon Master Mike- Dude look out for the extra panel!!! It will have your character. Also I suck at making ipods! lol

    Sarah thanks for the feedback! I havent forgot about you! You and Harry will be featured in a big way coming up. Its just getting it set up thats taken some time. This whole thing is a learning curve I think.

    Proud partner with @Pokemon Trainer Sarah


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