Dear future donators

With being able to run Pokemon Crossroads, PWN (Petalburg Woods) and Slateport (SPC) in a vertically integrated method, it allows me to offer web hosting ability to you. I've sort of poked around and asked people on and off what they want... with no clear answer.

So, I'm here to ask you: If you had your own subdomain (think if you were Palamon;), what would you want to do with it?

Some ideas I came up with:
* Resume (for you job seekers)
* Portfolio (for you artists out there)
* Blog (for you writers out there)
* Just a website to put random stuff on [(HTML/CSS/JS) or (HTML + PHP)]

These have varying costs on my end, and I'll let you know how restricted each option might be. Please feel free to ask questions!

I intend this to be a perk for ongoing donations (at a yearly or monthly level).

@Bulbasaur; @Suicune's Fire; @PTGigi; @Pokemon Trainer Sarah;

---x-posted from slateport---

(PS. also I can teach you too! :D )