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  1. #1351
    growing strong Pokemon Trainer Sarah's Avatar
    Site Editor

    Senior Administrator

    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Route 1
    Trainer Name: Alice
    Location: Vermilion City

    Aster (30/30)
    [Ivysaur, Male]
    Paprika (25/25)
    [Pikachu, Female]
    Spore (30/30)
    [Parasect, Female]
    Almond (30/30)
    [Furret, Female]
    Fervor (30/30)
    [Primeape, Female]
    Coin (30/30)
    [Persian, Male]

    Partner Pokemon: Plume [Archen, Female] (28/28) [Togepi, Female] (16/16)
    Items: Pokeball (x16), Potions (x4), Premier Ball (x2), Lemonade (x2), Revive (x1)
    Points: 156

    Alice considered Rose's words. She tugged at the ends of her jacket absentmindedly.

    Rose began to cry. Alice grabbed her hand and squeezed. She hadn't told the others about her own vision... dream... whatever it was. This seemed like a good time to share.

    "Rose... when we were in Cerulean, I had a dream of Max. He was pretty beat up, but he warned me to get everyone out of the city. He knew what was coming. It felt so real... Meg agreed that she would hurry us out, but in the end she wanted to go and help the people in the city...." Alice paused for a moment. This was where all her tension with Meg was coming from. "I believe you. I think Max is trying to warn us somehow." She said. She knew how important it had been to her that someone believed her. "Don't panic, Rose. Just try and remember exactly what you heard. If something's going to happen, maybe we can prepare somehow, or warn the ship's captain. Either way, we're stuck on here for now." Alice had no idea how far away the Sevii Islands were.

    Alice thought for a moment. She looked around, but nothing particular seemed to be going on. Nothing that meant any imminent danger, at least... "What was the choice?" Alice asked calmly, turning back to Rose. "You haven't done anything wrong. They've taken our Pokemon... we had no choice but to go after them."

  2. #1352
    The Queen of Shaymin
    Noblejanobii's Avatar
    Site Editor


    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Trainer Name: Kyo Writer
    Location: Route 24
    Game Points: 67 (+1)
    Items: 1 pokeball, 1 greatball, 10 potions , 5 super potions, 3 Evolite
    Pokemon Roster:







    Partner Pokemon: Meowstic

    Once again the words of this woman were all the comfort in the world. Not really. Kyo just felt increasingly unsettled by this whole thing and she really just kind of wanted to leave. But, that wouldn't be the right thing to do. Still, she doubted if this soul sucking… demon thing or whatever was close by that they had any time to give. Kyo didn't really want to interrupt this girl's moment but… well they didn't have much time to spare.

    "Hey…" Kyo gently placed her hand on Meaghan's shoulder. "I don't mean to rush you or anything and I certainly hate to interrupt but… well uh there's kind of that soul sucker you mentioned before. I'd prefer not to have to face him if at all possible so I don't know if we have much time to stall. Even if it is for the right reasons."
    / / / / / / / /
    Avatar by Soggymint
    Double Agents with Suicune's Fire

  3. #1353

    NPC: Stacy and Zachary Tyler (Ty)
    Trainer Stacy:
    Known Pokemon: ?

    Trainer Zack/Ty:
    Known Pokemon:

    GM Story Info
    Current Location: Vermilion City
    Description: A huge technologically advanced city.all the major convinces of any other city. Home to biggest port in kanto
    Key Locations:
    Just a normal Route
    Time: 7:21pm
    Day: 7
    Month: May 10th
    Season: Summer
    Weather: Warm in the mid 70s

    Rocky had finally relaxed as the reached the cruse. Finally some relaxation and pampering. Brandon had stayed mostly silent none of what was going on seemed to make sense. How could all this be happing so fast and in this order? To him getting there names cleared was all that mattered to him @brandon_g . Meanwhile Rose and Alice talked about a dark vision. Rocky and Brandon had gone off a little ways from where the girls talked and had missed this part. Maybe it was better they didnt have to feel the stress from this.

    A familiar voice came charging past Rocky and Brandon and knocked Brandon over. There on top of him was the boy he had met, Ty.

    "Zackery Tyler!" Stacy called out!

    "What do you think your doing buster!" She rushed over picking him up."

    Zack just laughed.
    "You see that Yellow I got tackled a famous trainer and Im alive to tell about it." He started to giggle.

    Brandon was not hurt in the fall and the boy seemed to have certain foundness for the trainer. Stacy looked up.
    "Oh hey its you guys." She said with a smile kind of blushing as she looked up at the big Rocky.

    Proud partner with @Pokemon Trainer Sarah


    Gible bite's Comic

    GCEA Trainer Links based on title characters

    ....GCEA Diamond/Platnium/ Blizard Blue/Platnium 2/ Pokemon Prism.......

  4. #1354
    Trainer Name:

    Bird Trainer Meg
    One(21/21)...Kaze (30/30)..Winston (12/12) Celffa(19/19) Mankey (20/20) Reine (30/30)

    Partner Pokemon:

    Gallow (24/24) Togepi (16/16)
    Infected Pokemon:


    Poke Gems (0)
    --Pokeballs (x13)(-1 Hoppip, Farfetch'd, Bonsly)
    ---Premier Ball (x1)
    ----Great Ball (x2) (-1 Abra, shadow sandshrew and Meowth )
    -----Net Ball (x10)( Drops the capture cost by 5 points for bug and water types)
    Heal Items
    --Potion (x0) -
    Alteration Items
    --Belue Berry (Item Effect: User's level drops 5 points)
    --- Zinc (Item Effects: Raises 6 Levels) (x5)
    ---- Shuca Berry (Changes a pokemon's color)(x1)
    Hold Itemsf
    -- Red Scarf (Item Effects: Raises 2 Levels)
    -- Blue Scarf (Item Effects: Raises 2 Levels)
    ----Everstone (Item Effect: Prevents Pokemon from Evolving)(x2)
    Battle Item
    --Antidote (x5)(gets rid or poison/ghost/bug/dark type disadvantage)
    --Paralyze Heal (x5)(gets ride of a electric/fighting/ground/rock type disadvantage.)
    ---Awakening (x5)(gets rid of a normal/grass/flying/psy type disadvantage.)
    ----Burn Heal (x5)(gets rid of a dragon/fire/steel type disadvantage)
    Evolution Items
    --Moon Stone (x1)
    ---Fire Stone (x1)
    ---Dusk Stone (X1)
    ---Water Stone (X1)

    Points:956 (+1)[/B]

    GM Story Info
    Current Location: off Route 5
    Description: late afternoon
    Key Locations:
    Just a normal Route
    Time: 9:04 pm
    Day: 6
    Month: May 9th
    Season: Summer
    Weather: Low wind
    Team: @Noblejanobii

    Meghan sank into a deep sadness holding that bag. It wasnt until a random act of what seemed to be genuine care by the trainer Kyo that she kind of snapped out it. Meghan wiped away the tears from her eyes and then got back on track.

    "Yeah.." She said softly

    She pulled open the bag and shuffled through it. When she couldnt find Upgrade she felt both sad and angry
    "No..." she said with a hint of heartbreak in her voice. She flipped through the bag pulling everything out but there was nothing.

    " I cant leave without it." She said looking up the trainer. She grabbed Max's stuff and carefully folded his jacket and placed in a bag and for the moment she stashed it. As she pushed it under a flipped over shelf she paused

    "Max..."She said almost as she was starring at a grave. She paused and then made one last attempt to reach into the bag. She looked in the front of the bag and found a picture of Misty and Max. She held it for a brief moment realizing that Max carried charms, pictures and other memories. This bag was Max's history. She placed the picture back in and pulled out a neckless with a pokeball attached to it. She held it up and felt a strange sense of familiarity to it. What was in the pokeball??? seemed empty. A few second more and she felt a strange sense come over her.

    Meg closed her eyes and she could feel wind below her. She grabbed tightly to whatever was below her to scared to look. She opened her eyes slightly and noticed it.

    Rayuaza let out a friendly growl. Meghan heart raced and it felt so real but she snapped out of that quickly putting the neckless back in the bag.

    "That was weird."

    She also found something she was not expecting.
    "A pokeball?"

    She said picking it up.

    Event Pokemon Unlocked
    Pokemon Unlocked
    Points: 15
    Cost: Event Pokemon
    !!!!WARNING !!!! Violence

    "why would he leave this." she questioned.
    " We cant save Max right now but we can help you out." she said to the pokeball stuffing it into her pocket. Max would be happy to see his partner when he was back.

    "Okay Im ready." She said

    Meghan got up taking one last spot where she had hid the bag and turned to the door. She quickly headed out.
    "I need that device to get my friends and my name clear of all the bad stuff that has been happening so I need to check if the grunts were using it in some other bag." She said moving quickly through the lower level checking each room. In the last she was disappointed to find that it was gone.

    "...Its...Its not here." A weak voice said.

    Meghan jumped a little quickly turning the flashlight to the far corner of office they were now standing in. As she scanned the area she noticed a blood trail leading to feet and then a man. Meghan gasped in horror looking upon this man. Whatever he was before he didnt deserve this. It was hard to see past all the blood. The man looked broken like something had pulled him in different direction all at once.

    he tried to speak coughing up blood.
    "Its..Not here.." he said his energy quickly fading.

    "We thought we could score some cash and sold it sold it." He coughed

    his breath got weaker and weaker as he spoke.

    Meghan walked over to him holding up the flashlight to see if she could do anything. She cautiously reached over and grabbed his hand just for a moment held his hand. She looked him in the eyes. "You are not alone." she said softly. He looked her in the eyes and for a long moment and then started to fade away.

    " Cycle Road.." he said

    " Run..Run..ruu..." He said slumping over dead.

    Meghan slowly put his hand down looking at Kyo

    "Now we can go..." She said slowly standing up and backing away from the man.

    The two then headed for the door and boom! It hit them. Kyo had not experienced anything like this but it felt as if a giant tidal wave of hate and fear hit her and began to drown her. The fear was overwhelming. Meghans hands shook.
    "We...where are you!" She said trying to break this feeling

    "Sweeeeeeeeeet Meggggg" The voice slithered in the darkness through the minds raddling their souls.

    The two girls were now completely frozen in fear. There bodies seemed to be stuck motionless with only there eyes and mouth working. As the man appeared he didnt seem like the devil. The man walked forward still in Red Rocket Military gear.

    " It is a pleasure to see you again Meghan." He said walking over slowly reaching forward running his cold dead hand across her face.

    Tears of fear streamed down her face.
    " Last time we met we didnt get to finish what we started." he said getting very close. So close that his stale dead breath almost made Meghan faint.

    His attention turned to Kyo. Meghan didnt want her to get involve

    "Leave...Leave her alone.." She commanded but unable to even look him in the eyes.

    Dredd walked over. He got very close to Kyo and inspected her.
    "Do you know death child?" He questioned

    Kyo felt something cold and pain around her feet. Her eyes looked down and a strange purple liquid was all around her feet.

    Proud partner with @Pokemon Trainer Sarah


    Gible bite's Comic

    GCEA Trainer Links based on title characters

    ....GCEA Diamond/Platnium/ Blizard Blue/Platnium 2/ Pokemon Prism.......

  5. #1355

    Trainer Name: 'Football Star' Rocky

    badges: Boulder badge, Cascade badge
    Location: Outside Vermillion City

    Kick-Puncher (0/30) Parasect (0/30) Nala (0/30) Abra (0/10) Vulpix(0/27) Pancham (0/15)

    No longer Infected Pokemon at ... Somewhere???:
    Sniper (30) Speedy (30) Rusty (25) Behemoth (30) Professor Needles (30) Fury(30) Heal counter: 30
    Partner Pokémon: Mime Jr.
    Items: Pokedex(1), Poketech(1), Pokeballs(17-1 = 16), Premier ball( 2), Great ball (1),Potions 5pts(4), Leaf stone(1), Blue Scarf (1-speedy), Rowp Berry(1), Red Scarf (1-Professor), Stone voucher(1), Stealth helmet cover(1) Revive (1)
    Battle Tokens Earned: 3 x 2 point gems, 3 x 3 point gems (Which I am not sure if I should collect like this, or just claim the points)
    Current Game Points: 66
    Posts: 240
    Trainers Affected:

    Rocky was having the time of his life. No more roughing out in the wilderness for him. He was going to make the most of this opportunity.

    "Come on Brandon, lets go check the buffet. I'll introduce you to real food!" Rocky dragged Brandon over to food.

    "OOOH caramel filled churros! Fine stuffed Canapé. Stuffed vine leaves!" Rocky sampled all the foods on offer, each bite taking him closer to nirvana. "Hang on... is that.... YES!" Rocky shouted as he jumped towards the next tray. "Chocolate mousse filled brandy snap rolls! Oh you have to try about a hundred of these bad boys, Brandon!"

    Suddenly there was a yell and some young trainer ran straight into Brandon and the two of them fell to the ground. Rocky was torn. He wanted to defend Brandon if this was an attack.. but... these brandy snaps were just divine.

    Fortunately the boy seemed to know Brandon and the two seemed friendly.

    "Zackery Tyler!" a girl called out! "What do you think your doing buster!"

    The Boy just laughed. "You see that Yellow I got tackled a famous trainer and Im alive to tell about it." He started to giggle.

    Stacy looked up and said, "Oh hey its you guys." She smiled and blushed looking at Rocky.

    Rocky smiled back. "Always a pleasure, milady!" he said politely with a big smile. He did not realise that he had chocolate mousse smeared down his chin as he talked. "Are you headed to Sevii as well?"

  6. #1356
    Certified Eeveelution Enthusiast Dragon Master Mike's Avatar
    GCEA Staff

    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    New Jersey
    Name: Rose Woods
    Location: Vermillion City
    Team: Charmeleon (Ember)[M](21 +2/21) Cleffa (9/9) Zubat (Ruby) [M] (9/9) Rattata (Faith)[F](5/5) Fletchhinder (0/16) Honedge (15/15)
    Posts: 145
    Points: 81
    Items: Pokeball X4 Potion X2 Moon Stone X1 Green Scarf(On Charmeleon) X1 Lemonade X1 Great Ball X1 Everstone X1 Enigma Berry X1 Rowap Berry X1
    Badges: Boulder, Water(was that the name?)
    Partner: Chingling 20/20 (Amirah)
    Infection: Gabite (25/25) Kirlia (25/25) Mankey (17/17) Nidorino (16/16) Parasect (25/25)

    Alice began responding to Rose."Don't panic, Rose. Just try and remember exactly what you heard." She told her.

    "It was so cryptic... He said something about the kanto sea, a ship, and... Yeah, he said something about tentacruel migrating towards the ship. He said that we would have to choose between saving many people but at a cost, or causing many deaths." Her crying began to slow to a halt, but she still seemed pale.

    "One path leads you towards Lavender to clear your names. The other leads you towards the stone. That was what he said to me. The inquisitor gem. That's what he called it. That must be the stone that Bill is looking for." She explained, desperately wishing that the vision had told her more. She felt a bit better to hear that she wasn't the only one though. "I guess if we see any tentacruel we know to be worried?" She said half jokingly.

  7. #1357
    Original GCEA Member brandon_g's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    GCEA Section
    Trainer Name: Brandon


    Skipper - [0/16]

    Marshtomp - [0/16]

    Arbok - [0/30]

    Beedrill - [0/30]

    Primeape - [0/30]

    Riolu - [0/25]
    Items: Pokeball x4, Revive ×1
    Healing counter: 0
    Points: 58

    Soon the group was on the ship, once they were on, the ship set sail. As it pulled away from port, they could see lights coming back on in Vermillion as power was restored. A few minutes later, Rocky suggested settling in and finding their rooms. Brandon went along with it and as he moved through the halls behind everyone in search of their rooms, the bad feeling Brandon had had about the ship before they left for Lavender, returned. The group finally found their rooms and put their stuff away in them. Then they returned to the ship's deck, Rocky pulled Brandon away from the group, saying something about a buffet. Brandon, however, was still distracted by the mysterious bad feeling of the ship he was having. He didn't know why he had a bad feeling about it, there had been nothing to suggest anything was wrong with the ship or that there was any sign of a threat. Brandon shook his head as Rocky pulled him into the restraunt, he was probably just being paranoid, his pokemon were healed again after all, if there was any trouble, they would be there to have his back. He finally snapped out of it as he smelled the good food, he started pulling out some of the things Rocky was and began eating, a few minutes later, as finished eating one piece of food and was about to get another, he was tackled to the ground by someone, or something. As he fell, Brandon's hand sprang to Skipper's pokeball, as he hit the ground, he pulled it off its clip on his belt and held in it hand, his finger hovering on the button, ready to send him out to defend him if this was an attack. Before Brandon hit the button, he looked up and saw who had tackled him, it was the kid Tyler who had followed him in Vermillion. He sighed a relief and got back to his feet, as he did so, he saw his sister as well and she said "Hey, its you guys!". Seeing a familar face made Brandon feel a little bit better about being on the ship, he asked Tyler and his sister out loud "Hey, whats up? What are you guys doing on this ship? You going home already? Or going to explore the Sevii island?", after a slight pause, he also asked "How did you manage to get tickets on this ship? I hear they are very expensive and very hard to come by!". It was the first things Brandon had said in awhile, he smiled at the boy and his sister kindly. Glad to have someone else on the ship he knew.
    Last edited by brandon_g; 02-23-2016 at 07:16 PM.
    The all new and improved Broadcasting Duo is here! We have a new banner, a new look and still more great improvements to come! What are you waiting for? Come on over and check us out! We promise, you won't be disappointed!

    __________________________________________________ ________________________
    GCEA Stats:
    Decimation Blue
    Galactic Diamond

  8. #1358

    NPC: Stacy and Zachary Tyler (Ty)
    Trainer Stacy:
    Known Pokemon: ?

    Trainer Zack/Ty:
    Known Pokemon:

    GM Story Info
    Current Location: Vermilion City
    Description: A huge technologically advanced city.all the major convinces of any other city. Home to biggest port in kanto
    Key Locations:
    Just a normal Route
    Time: 7:21pm
    Day: 7
    Month: May 10th
    Season: Summer
    Weather: Warm in the mid 70s

    Stacy smiled "Lady?" She blushed "Now his is a proper gentleman ." She said nudging her brother.

    Ty laughed
    "Lady? You should see her in the morning.." He giggled

    He turned to Brandon
    " Our parents got the tickets a while back." he paused

    " Expensive?" "Are we rich Stacy?" he asked

    She sighed
    "No brat."

    "Yeah we are heading to the Sevii islands to meet a family friend who is giong to show us around. He is a trainer of some sorts."

    Proud partner with @Pokemon Trainer Sarah


    Gible bite's Comic

    GCEA Trainer Links based on title characters

    ....GCEA Diamond/Platnium/ Blizard Blue/Platnium 2/ Pokemon Prism.......

  9. #1359
    The Queen of Shaymin
    Noblejanobii's Avatar
    Site Editor


    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Trainer Name: Kyo Writer
    Location: Route 24
    Game Points: 68 (+1)
    Items: 1 pokeball, 1 greatball, 10 potions , 5 super potions, 3 Evolite
    Pokemon Roster:







    Partner Pokemon: Meowstic

    A smile played at Kyo's lips. The edges of her lips curled upward and her teeth barely showed as a quick breath passed by her lips. Interesting. Very interesting.

    A sharp laugh escaped Kyo and, if she could, her head would have tilted back as she laughed. She took in a deep breath and sighed before smiling at the armored rocket. He was terrifying, she'd give him that, but Kyo knew better than to let that on. Lucky would be disappointed in her if that did happen. She was about to respond confidently when there was a sudden chilling pain at her feet. Kyo looked down and spotted a purple liquid. Her brows furrow in frustration.

    "The heck?" Ignoring this… predicament, Kyo looked back at the man. "Death? Oh quite so, and not in any ways I'd like to enjoy. I've never killed and never intend to, but you know, life is full of surprises. I've learned that the hard way."
    / / / / / / / /
    Avatar by Soggymint
    Double Agents with Suicune's Fire

  10. #1360
    Trainer Name:

    Bird Trainer Meg
    One(21/21)...Kaze (30/30)..Winston (12/12) Celffa(19/19) Mankey (20/20) Reine (30/30)

    Partner Pokemon:

    Gallow (24/24) Togepi (16/16)
    Infected Pokemon:


    Poke Gems (0)
    --Pokeballs (x13)(-1 Hoppip, Farfetch'd, Bonsly)
    ---Premier Ball (x1)
    ----Great Ball (x2) (-1 Abra, shadow sandshrew and Meowth )
    -----Net Ball (x10)( Drops the capture cost by 5 points for bug and water types)
    Heal Items
    --Potion (x0) -
    Alteration Items
    --Belue Berry (Item Effect: User's level drops 5 points)
    --- Zinc (Item Effects: Raises 6 Levels) (x5)
    ---- Shuca Berry (Changes a pokemon's color)(x1)
    Hold Itemsf
    -- Red Scarf (Item Effects: Raises 2 Levels)
    -- Blue Scarf (Item Effects: Raises 2 Levels)
    ----Everstone (Item Effect: Prevents Pokemon from Evolving)(x2)
    Battle Item
    --Antidote (x5)(gets rid or poison/ghost/bug/dark type disadvantage)
    --Paralyze Heal (x5)(gets ride of a electric/fighting/ground/rock type disadvantage.)
    ---Awakening (x5)(gets rid of a normal/grass/flying/psy type disadvantage.)
    ----Burn Heal (x5)(gets rid of a dragon/fire/steel type disadvantage)
    Evolution Items
    --Moon Stone (x1)
    ---Fire Stone (x1)
    ---Dusk Stone (X1)
    ---Water Stone (X1)

    Points:956 (+1)[/B]

    GM Story Info
    Current Location: off Route 5
    Description: late afternoon
    Key Locations:
    Just a normal Route
    Time: 9:04 pm
    Day: 6
    Month: May 9th
    Season: Summer
    Weather: Low wind
    Team: @Noblejanobii

    *This isnt a fear you can its all of your nightmares at once. It would break you and you should reflect that more.

    "Nothing you have learned is the hard way." He said his eyes looking through her.

    When she looked in his eyes she saw nothing but a eree hallowness.

    Dredd stood there as the symbiote like liquid crawled up her leg. With each inch it moved up her legs the more and more painful it become. The pain could be compared to millions of bugs eating away at you. Dredd cared no more for her attempts to stay strong than he did the lives of countless men. Kyo choice meant nothing to him. She watched as her uniform transformed into the black and red. Dredd was toying with the trainer at first. When he noticed her pokeball he fored the trainer lift up her partners pokeball.
    " ...Pyschic." He said looking at it.

    Meghan screamed at him.
    "Leave her alone!!! She has nothing to do with this."

    Proud partner with @Pokemon Trainer Sarah


    Gible bite's Comic

    GCEA Trainer Links based on title characters

    ....GCEA Diamond/Platnium/ Blizard Blue/Platnium 2/ Pokemon Prism.......


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