Trainer Name:

Bird Trainer Meg
One(21/21)...Kaze (30/30)..Winston (12/12) Celffa(19/19) Mankey (20/20) Reine (30/30)

Partner Pokemon:

Gallow (24/24) Togepi (16/16)
Infected Pokemon:


Poke Gems (0)
--Pokeballs (x13)(-1 Hoppip, Farfetch'd, Bonsly)
---Premier Ball (x1)
----Great Ball (x2) (-1 Abra, shadow sandshrew and Meowth )
-----Net Ball (x10)( Drops the capture cost by 5 points for bug and water types)
Heal Items
--Potion (x0) -
Alteration Items
--Belue Berry (Item Effect: User's level drops 5 points)
--- Zinc (Item Effects: Raises 6 Levels) (x5)
---- Shuca Berry (Changes a pokemon's color)(x1)
Hold Itemsf
-- Red Scarf (Item Effects: Raises 2 Levels)
-- Blue Scarf (Item Effects: Raises 2 Levels)
----Everstone (Item Effect: Prevents Pokemon from Evolving)(x2)
Battle Item
--Antidote (x5)(gets rid or poison/ghost/bug/dark type disadvantage)
--Paralyze Heal (x5)(gets ride of a electric/fighting/ground/rock type disadvantage.)
---Awakening (x5)(gets rid of a normal/grass/flying/psy type disadvantage.)
----Burn Heal (x5)(gets rid of a dragon/fire/steel type disadvantage)
Evolution Items
--Moon Stone (x1)
---Fire Stone (x1)
---Dusk Stone (X1)
---Water Stone (X1)

Points2012 (+1)[/B]

GM Story Info
Current Location: off Route 5
Description: late afternoon
Key Locations:
Just a normal Route
Time: 7 pm
Day: 7
Month: May 10th
Season: Summer
Weather: Low wind
Team: @Noblejanobii

My name is Meghan Stratus I just turned 20 a couple months ago and I am a pokemon trainer. In my short time as a trainer I have battled an evil organization called the Rockets or the Black Rockets that is parading around Kanto in the uniforms of a disbanded group. I have survived the most veil creature that I have ever heard of twice. This is a creature hell bent on chaos and death. I have seen my idol a man that has seemingly done everything in his adult life to help people get arrested for murder...and Now at this moment. I have come across a gym leader a man war trained attack his own people and steal pokemon from innocent trainers. I clinch my fist vowing to track down this man and bring him to justice at any cost.

Kyo followed me through Vermillion City. She had stuck closely by me since we met. We had both saved each others lives which had cemented a level of trust between us. I wasnt sure where to go to find Lt. Surge but I knew a good place to start. I said walking with Kyo towards his old gym.