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  1. #51
    @Comatose*I have decided that Rocky will not get along with Jacob* :D

    Trainer Name: 'Ace Trainer' Rocky
    badges: Boulder badge, Cascade badge
    Location: cerulean city

    Sniper (30/30) Speedy (4/30) Rusty (25/25) Behemoth (30/30) Professor Needles (30/30) Fury(30/30)

    Partner Pokémon:Pancham, Abra
    Egg: Bunneary: (39/40)
    Infected Pokemon:
    Speedy (2/4 to faints)
    Items: Pokedex(1), Poketech(1), Pokeballs(9), Premier ball(1), Great ball (1),Potions 5pts(4), Leaf stone(1), Blue Scarf (1-speedy), Rowp Berry(1), Red Scarf (1-Professor)
    Current Game Points: 91
    Posts: 171
    Trainers Affected:

    "We can not kill anyone" Meg said.

    "Uhm of course we won't kill anyone, we are not psycho's Meg. Why does that even need to be said?" Then Rocky looked at Jacob. "Actually yeah fair enough, probably needed saying!"

    "So our job is to get in, Get that box and get out. Alright Brandon, lets show these Rockets what we can do."

    The idea of a quick stealth run was perfectly in Speedy's skill-set. Rocky checked on the Rattata. He was getting worse the infection on Speedy;s leg was growing.

    "Speedy Return." Rocky called Speedy back to his ball, hoping to curtail the spread of infection. *Note, I know it doesn't work that way, But Rocky doesn't.*

    "So we need a distraction while we grab the boxes. Are you any good at causing a distraction." He asked Jacob. *Ruby reference-Haha*

  2. #52
    growing strong Pokemon Trainer Sarah's Avatar
    Site Editor

    Senior Administrator

    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Route 1
    Trainer Name: Alice
    Location: Cerulean City

    Aster (30/30)
    [Ivysaur, Male]
    ??? (30/30)
    [Tyrunt, Male]
    Jedi (30/30)
    [Braixen, Female]
    Citrus (30/30)
    [Butterfree, Male]
    Memento (30/30)
    [Mawile, Female]
    Plume (30/30)
    [Archen, Female]

    Egg: (P15;30/30)
    Partner Pokemon: Paprika [Pichu, Female] (25/25), Abra [Male] (10/10)
    Items: Pokeball (x12), Potions (x4), Premier Ball (x2), Lemonade (x2)
    Points: 16 (+10)

    Everything was moving fast. Meg, Jacob, Rocky and Brandon were heading for the helicopter, leaving Alice and Rose to sneak into the gym and make sure Misty wasn't there.

    The gym... the center of the energy... Alice wasn't pleased with the plan, but Meg and the others had already run off towards the helicopter.

    Alice looked at Rose. She seemed hesitant, the same way Alice felt. "I don't want to go in there either," Alice said to her. "I'll understand if you want to hang back and keep watch out here."

    Alice returned all her Pokemon to their Pokeballs. She wouldn't risk them around the Shadow Energy.

    At that moment, a Sandstorm seemed to whip up near the helicopter. Alice figured it must be her friends creating their distraction.

    "If we're going to do this, it has to be now!" Alice said to Rose. She took off for the gym, keeping low and hoping no one would spot her in the darkness. She paused outside the doors, checking to see if Rose was following.

  3. #53
    Certified Eeveelution Enthusiast Dragon Master Mike's Avatar
    GCEA Staff

    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    New Jersey
    Name: Rose Woods
    Location: Route 24
    Team: Charmeleon (Ember)[M](21/21) Gabite [M](25/25) Kirlia (Lily)[F](25/25) Mankey (Courage)[M](17/17) Nidorino [M] (16/16) Parasect (25/25)
    Posts: 96
    Points: 6
    Items: Pokeball X5 Potion X3 Moon Stone X1 Green Scarf X1 Lemonade X2 Great Ball X1 Everstone X1 Enigma Berry X1 Rowap Berry X1
    Badges: Boulder, Water(was that the name?)
    Partner: Chingling 20/20 (Amirah)

    Rose was curious as to what could be inside the boxes. There was no way her sensing would be strong enough to see through them, even if she and Amirah had been standing on top of them. She figured that they were about to find out. It seemed that Meghan had other plans for her though.

    The gym really was the last place Rose wanted to go, and now Meghan was telling her and Alice to go there. She wanted to protest, but couldn't. She knew that they had to go. She only hoped that Jacob and Brettles wouldn't manage to kill each other... assuming something else didn't first. Alice told her that she didn't like this either. Rose knew she wasn't going to stay back. Alice was taking the lead, and Rose intended to follow along and do what she was told. "I'm coming." She said. She began walking, hesitantly at first, but picking up speed as she went.

    "How did I get dragged into this?" She thought, thinking back to the first day when they had gotten their starters from Professor Oak. Only a few days had passed, but everything seemed to just get worse and worse. She followed Alice's lead in calling her Gabite back to its Pokeball, but of course she couldn't do the same to Amirah.

  4. #54
    growing strong Pokemon Trainer Sarah's Avatar
    Site Editor

    Senior Administrator

    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Route 1
    Trainer Name: Alice
    Location: Cerulean City

    Aster (30/30)
    [Ivysaur, Male]
    ??? (30/30)
    [Tyrunt, Male]
    Jedi (30/30)
    [Braixen, Female]
    Citrus (30/30)
    [Butterfree, Male]
    Memento (30/30)
    [Mawile, Female]
    Plume (30/30)
    [Archen, Female]

    Egg: (P15;30/30)
    Partner Pokemon: Paprika [Pichu, Female] (25/25), Abra [Male] (10/10)
    Items: Pokeball (x12), Potions (x4), Premier Ball (x2), Lemonade (x2)
    Points: 16 (+11)

    Alice was relieved to see Rose come up behind her. Doing this alone would have been way too hard. Alice stood in front of the gym, the large doors before her.

    "If something goes wrong, be ready to run," she said.

    "Here goes nothing!" She pushed open one of the gym doors slightly and peered inside...

  5. #55
    Original GCEA Member brandon_g's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    GCEA Section
    Trainer Name: Brandon


    Skipper - [16/16]

    Marshtomp - [16/16]

    Butterfree - [25/25]

    Pidgetto - [18/18]

    Mankey - [20/20]

    Parasect - [25/25]
    Items: Pokeball x4
    Points: 99

    *wow this story is really going fast, sorry about the lack of replies guys... My work schedule combined with school is crazy! I usually like to be detailed and fully catch up, but this time I am going to cut it short and sweet*

    Brandon and the group were transported by Alakazam to yet another location, this time he believed it was nesr the gym. The other trainer seemed to be on his side, he discovered after a short time. The group came across what appeared to be undercover team rocket grunts, they were loading a helicopter, Meghan had a plan to stop them. The other trainer, whose name appeared to be Jacob and Rocky would distract the grubts, then Brandon, Meghan and someone else would go and move stuff on the helicopter. Jacob asked if Brandon had any sort of eye protection, Brandon rummaged through his survival pack, found a pair of safety goggles, he put then on as he nodded yes to the question. Then Brandon let out the rest of pokemon, asked them if they were ready, to which they eagerly replied to in their language with YES! If it was team rocket, they were always ready. His pokemon seemed to have grown a hate at the wanna be criminal group almost as much as he had. At this point, Brandon tightened the strap of his pack, put his pocket knife in his pocket, zipped up his sweater and said "Let's do this!".
    The all new and improved Broadcasting Duo is here! We have a new banner, a new look and still more great improvements to come! What are you waiting for? Come on over and check us out! We promise, you won't be disappointed!

    __________________________________________________ ________________________
    GCEA Stats:
    Decimation Blue
    Galactic Diamond

  6. #56
    Trainer Name:

    Meghan Stratus
    Tidus (18/18)/ Sappy (30/30)/ Moseby(30/30)/Rei(4/30)/ Pins(16/16)/ Nacht(29/29)
    [U]Partner Pokemon:

    Kaze (30/30)/ Abra (10/10)
    Infected Pokemon:
    Rei (1/4 to faints)


    --Pokeballs (x6)
    ---Premier Ball (x0)
    ----Great Ball (x3) (-1 Abra, shadow sandshrew )
    Heal Items
    --Potion (x0) -
    Alteration Items
    --Belue Berry (Item Effect: User's level drops 5 points)
    --- Zinc (Item Effects: Raises 6 Levels) (x5)
    ---- Shuca Berry (Changes a pokemon's color)(x1)
    Hold Items
    -- Red Scarf (Item Effects: Raises 2 Levels)
    -- Blue Scarf (Item Effects: Raises 2 Levels)
    ----Everstone (Item Effect: Prevents Pokemon from Evolving)(x1)
    Evolution Items
    --Moon Stone (x1)
    ---Fire Stone (x1)

    Points:848 (+1)

    GM Story Info
    Current Location: Sleeping outside of Maxs base
    Description: Middle of the night
    Key Locations:
    GYM: Closed
    Pokemon Center: Closed
    Pokemart: Closed
    Cerulean Cave: Closed
    Bike Shop: Closed
    Powder Man: Closed
    Route 9: Closed

    Route 24: Current Route
    Route 5: Closed
    Time: 1:15 am
    Day: 5
    Month: May
    Season: Summer
    Weather: Chilly

    The plan was now in motion. Jacob and Meghan would take the lead getting the attention of Rocket Grunts. With the grunt busy in battle Rocky and Brandon would be responsible for getting the crates out of the area. One Helicopter had already taken off and was slowly disappearing in the distance. It was to late to catch up with it. Meghan watched it fly over head before everything started. Jacob was quick not wasting anytime. Using a sandstorm he created the perfect cover however with the fire wind and now sand flying around it looked like hell on earth as they moved in carefully with Gwaine protecting them.


    Zubat (T:Flying/Poison)
    Points: 19

    Ekans (T:Poison)


    Rattata (T:Normal)
    Points: 15

    Zubat (T:Flying/Poison)
    Points: 19


    Zubat (T:Flying/Poison)
    Points: 19

    Ekans (T:Poison)


    Ekans (T:Poison)

    Nidoran (T:Poison)


    Rattata (T:Normal)
    Points: 15

    Rattata (T:Normal)
    Points: 15

    Rattata (T:Normal)
    Points: 15

    (I should have set you up more. Lets rewind.)

    Alice and Rose moved around the sandstorm sneaking past the grunts and going into the back alley. They rushed through the alley staying behind the buildings until they cleared the battle area and were now safely out of sight. The lead up to the older gym was errely silent. The could a deathly calm that in an unnatural way now blocked out everything else happening. As they made there way into the gym they would now find themselves in a dream like state that at first they didnt even realize they were in.

    The lights were all on as they stepped in. A greeter smiled waving them in. *GM Note there minds are being tampered with so they should feel that this is wrong instantly* Little kids pushed back running towards the gift shop. On the tvs above they could hear the Cerulean Sisters welcoming all incoming trainers. A little boy moved almost threw them rushing towards the practice area. Alice and Rose noticed the kids peaking in the room and giggling. They walked over to see what was going on as they looked they noticed Misty there inches away from another trainer whose back was turned to them. She leaned in and kissed the trainer on the check turning red as she noticed the boys looking. She rushed over to scare them off. The other trainers stood for a moment turning around and they noticed a younger Max.

    The imagine faded and they now were drawn towards another room. The sound of screaming quickly caught there attention. It was now dark out and the gym was closed. As they reached the room they noticed and older Misty and Max in the main gym with tears in her eyes.

    " I can believe you, all you ever do is try to leave. If there is a problem all you do is run away from it! All you ever do is run away, Max. " She cried out shoving him away.

    "I dont care about your nightmares.." She paused
    "I mean I dont think your nightmares should be enough for you to leave this place. Something messed with you head thats all. It had to be one of the legends you been persuing what did you say its name was..." She paused he tried to reach for her hand but she pulled away.

    "No Max...I can't anymore. There is something wrong with you. You are gone for weeks at a time..when we go camping I wake up and you are gone and you dont appear again until early morning. If you cant tell me whats going on dont bother to come back." She frowned .

    Max turned around with tears in his eyes. Alice and Rose couldn't hear him at all all but saw him mouth something. As he walked towards the two he paused for a moment just outta there reach. Max was utterly heartbroken. This was the creation of "the look" they had grown to know. The re severed Max who kept his distance.

    The dream like state ended with them now in the real gym. The smell of ash in the air and the sound of battling near by flooded back to them. Reality hit them like a ton of bricks. In the middle of the gym Misty lay unconscious. The lights in the building began to burn. The windows than shattered the two were forced to the ground to cover themselves from the sparks and glass shooting out everywhere.

    Rose felt it first. For an instance deep sympathy, then she felt the void. Deeper and darker than she had ever felt. Alice felt it soon after. The two looked up to see the

    (I like the design lets say there is no gun. )

    The man walked foward a few feet standing over Misty. It was to dark to make out who he was or even what his eyes looked like. They could only see the Rocket symbol on the chest plate.
    (Give mike and sarah a chance to respond )

    Proud partner with @Pokemon Trainer Sarah


    Gible bite's Comic

    GCEA Trainer Links based on title characters

    ....GCEA Diamond/Platnium/ Blizard Blue/Platnium 2/ Pokemon Prism.......

  7. #57

    Trainer Name: 'Ace Trainer' Rocky
    badges: Boulder badge, Cascade badge
    Location: cerulean city

    Sniper (30/30) Speedy (4/30) Rusty (25/25) Behemoth (30/30) Professor Needles (30/30) Fury(30/30)

    Partner Pokémon:Pancham, Abra
    Egg: Bunneary: (39/40)
    Infected Pokemon:
    Speedy (1/4 to faints)
    Items: Pokedex(1), Poketech(1), Pokeballs(9), Premier ball(1), Great ball (1),Potions 5pts(4), Leaf stone(1), Blue Scarf (1-speedy), Rowp Berry(1), Red Scarf (1-Professor)
    Current Game Points: 92
    Posts: 172
    Trainers Affected:

    With the sandstorm up and Meg and Jacob tackling the grunts from the front, Rocky circled around to get at the crates from the rear.

    Before moving he called out Behemoth and Professor Needles. Both of the ground types looked at the surroundings quite calmly. They weren't scared of fire or sand.

    "Behemoth, add to the sand-storm. Lets get around the edge. We need to get to those crates."

    Rocky pulled out his designer sun-glasses and found a cloth to wrap around his face.

    "Come on Brandon lets go get those crates. Follow me, Behemoth will give us cover as we approach."

    Rocky used Behemoth as cover as he walked through the sandstorm. He could not see very far in any direction, so he had to trust Behemoth to navigate. The large Hippopotas was in his element and had no trouble navigating through the sand.

  8. #58
    growing strong Pokemon Trainer Sarah's Avatar
    Site Editor

    Senior Administrator

    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Route 1
    Trainer Name: Alice
    Location: Cerulean City

    Aster (30/30)
    [Ivysaur, Male]
    ??? (30/30)
    [Tyrunt, Male]
    Jedi (30/30)
    [Braixen, Female]
    Citrus (30/30)
    [Butterfree, Male]
    Memento (30/30)
    [Mawile, Female]
    Plume (30/30)
    [Archen, Female]

    Egg: (P15;30/30)
    Partner Pokemon: Paprika [Pichu, Female] (25/25), Abra [Male] (10/10)
    Items: Pokeball (x12), Potions (x4), Premier Ball (x2), Lemonade (x2)
    Points: 16 (+12)

    Alice watched scenes play out in front of her like a movie. She knew there was something wrong. Her head felt fuzzy and sleepy, and none of it made any sense. She struggled to keep control of herself, and remember what was really going on.

    And then it was over. Alice felt her body wake up, every sense back on high alert. The gym was dark and Misty was sprawled on the floor. A figure stood over her. Alice couldn't see what was happening, but as he walked forward, a flash of red told her that he was a Rocket. He looked strong though, stronger than any of the grunts she had faced before. Alice looked around, but there didn't seem to be anyone else. Was this man the source of the Shadow Energy?

    Alice reached into her pocket, her hand resting amongst her Pokeballs. She tried not to panic. The realisation that Misty might already be dead startled her, made her want to run. But after seeing Max and Misty together, Alice knew she couldn't do that. If there was one thing Max would want from her, it would be to help Misty now. If...when they found Max again, he would never forgive her, otherwise.

    Alice tore her glance from the man and looked across at Rose. Anything she did would risk both their lives.

  9. #59
    Certified Eeveelution Enthusiast Dragon Master Mike's Avatar
    GCEA Staff

    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    New Jersey
    Name: Rose Woods
    Location: Route 24
    Team: Charmeleon (Ember)[M](21/21) Gabite [M](25/25) Kirlia (Lily)[F](25/25) Mankey (Courage)[M](17/17) Nidorino [M] (16/16) Parasect (25/25)
    Posts: 97
    Points: 7
    Items: Pokeball X5 Potion X3 Moon Stone X1 Green Scarf X1 Lemonade X2 Great Ball X1 Everstone X1 Enigma Berry X1 Rowap Berry X1
    Badges: Boulder, Water(was that the name?)
    Partner: Chingling 20/20 (Amirah)

    Rose wasn't quite sure what was happening, but something didn't feel right. Obviously the scene that they were seeing play out couldn't actually be happening, but it felt so real, yet somehow at the same time like a dream. She felt like she couldn't quite think straight. Did what she was seeing actually happen? It seemed highly likely.

    The first thing Rose noticed when she came back to her senses was the smell of ash. The windows around her suddenly shattered, and she ducked down, slamming her hands over her ears. She stayed in this position for a few moments, taking in her surroundings. She noticed Misty was lying on the ground, but right as she was about to stand up and run over to help her, she began to feel something. She didn't know what that something was, but it was rapidly growing, and it instilled in her a feeling of dread. She couldn't describe it as anything other than pure evil. Slowly, she rose to her feet, trembling. At the same time, a man walked up to where Misty lay unconscious. She could immediately sense that he was the source of this energy. She opened her mouth to speak. She wanted to say something, anything, but she couldn't speak. She was completely paralyzed with fear. This wasn't fear like what she had felt earlier when she had gone off alone to help the boy, like the building could collapse at any moment. Now she felt more like a ravenous wolf was staring at her, preparing to tear her throat out at any moment.

    "Is this shadow energy?" She thought to herself. Even Amirah seemed very uncomfortable.

  10. #60
    I came in like a wrecking ball... [Desolate Divine]'s Avatar
    Senior Moderator

    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Melbourne Australia
    Damn it, I wish this could have started after Jacob was capable of Mega evolving xD

    Trainer Name: Jacob
    Current Points: 46
    Badges: 6
    Location: Fortree City

    Pokemon In Party: (6/6)!
    Team Status:

    (Gwaine. 40/40)(Pyro. 0/36)(Crush. 5/5)(Magnitude. 0/45)(Juana. 35/35)(Sparks. 30/30)(Apollo. Partner) (Artemis. Partner)

    (Salt. 35/35)(Pulsar. 10/10)(Stryker. 30/30)
    (Sid. 10/10)(Shruikan. 35/35)(Treemo. 14/14)
    (Avacyn. 25/25)(Shroud. 40/40)(Tsuchi. 25/25)
    (Toxin. 40/40)(Electron. 12/12)(Venom. 35/35)
    (Crimson. 32/32)(Seed. 30/30)(Chubs. 30/30)
    (East. 11/11)(Aura. 24.24)(Anion. 20/20)
    (Spud. 30/30)(Skillet. 32/32)(Flora. 30/30)
    (Skipper. 36/36)(Chaos. 25/25)(Mushu. 40/40)
    (Peter. 5/5)(Arc. 25/25)

    When the grunts sent out their Pokemon, I smiled. It had been a while since I had dealt with brainless thugs who had no idea how to handle themselves. Time for some fun.

    "You take the first one. The rest are mine." I said with a grin to Meghan. I grabbed my Pokenav and started the timer.

    Grunt 5
    Opponent: Rattata 1
    Attacker: Blaziken
    Opponents Points: 15
    Attackers Points: 36
    Bonuses: -10 (-5 Fighting> Normal, -5 evolution)
    Opponents Remaining Points: 0
    Attackers Remaining Points:31

    Opponent: Rattata 2
    Attacker: Blaziken
    Opponents Points: 15
    Attackers Points: 31
    Bonuses: -10 (-5 Fighting> Normal, -5 evolution)
    Opponents Remaining Points: 0
    Attackers Remaining Points: 26

    Opponent: Rattata 3
    Attacker: Blaziken
    Opponents Points: 15
    Attackers Points: 26
    Bonuses: -10 (-5 Fighting> Normal, -5 evolution)
    Opponents Remaining Points: 0
    Attackers Remaining Points: 21

    I let out Pyro, and faced one of the grunts. The sandstorm wasn't good for him, but I wanted to keep Gwaine in reserve in case we came up against any shadow Pokemon.

    "Power Up Punch, then Blaze Kick!"

    The shiny Blaziken faced the first Rattata, smashing his left fist into it, before punching it with a flaming right hand, throwing it a few meters away. As he threw the second punch, he launched himself up with his left leg, spinning over, and kicking the second, and knocking it out cold.

    "Flare Blitz!" I shouted. Pyro became enveloped in a bright blue flame, and crashed into the third, knocking it across the street.

    Grunt 4
    Opponent: Ekans
    Attacker: Flygon
    Opponent's Points: 21
    Attacker's Points: 45
    Bonuses: -10 (-5 Ground> Poison, -5 Evo)
    Opponent's Remaining Points: 0
    Attackers Remaining Points: 34

    Attacker: Flygon
    Opponent's Points: 18
    Attacker's Points: 34
    Bonuses: -10 (Ground>Poison, evo)
    Opponent's Remaining Points: 0
    Attackers Remaining Points: 26

    As Pyro took out the first grunt, I looked to the sky.

    "Gwaine, call Magnitude. Tell him to take care of them." I said pointing to the next grunts Ekans and Nidoran. The Gallade's eyes glowed for a second. Within seconds, the Flygon dived through the clouds. He grabbed the Ekans, and smashed through the ground, digging underneath, before remerging under Nidoran. He flew back up into the air, before letting them go, letting them fall and hit the ground.

    Grunt 3
    Opponent: Zubat
    Attacker: Flygon
    Opponent's Points: 19
    Attacker's Points: 26
    Bonuses: -5 (-5 evo, -5 ground> Poison, +5 flying> ground)
    Opponent's Remaining Points: 0
    Attackers Remaining Points: 12

    Opponent: Ekans
    Attacker: Flygon
    Opponent's Points: 21
    Attacker's Points: 12
    Bonuses: -10 (-5 Ground>Poison, -5 evo)
    Opponent's Remaining Points: 0
    Attackers Remaining Points: 1

    "Take out the next!" I shouted, "Pyro, stay ready. You're up next!"

    Magnitude flew down, ripping the Zubat out of the air, and grabbing Ekans when he hit the ground.

    "Dig! Leave them there and use Earthquake!" I shouted. The Flygon entered the hole it dug before, flying out alone, before landing hard on the ground, causing it to rumble.

    Grunt 2
    Opponent: Rattata
    Attacker: Flygon
    Opponent's Points: 15
    Attacker's Points: 1
    Bonuses: -5 evo bonus
    Opponent's Remaining Points: 9
    Attackers Remaining Points: 0

    Opponent: Rattata
    Attacker: Blaziken
    Opponent's Points: 9
    Attacker's Points: 21
    Bonuses: -10 (Fighting > Normal, evo)
    Opponent's Remaining Points: 0
    Attackers Remaining Points: 21

    Opponent: Zubat
    Attacker: Blaziken
    Opponent's Points: 19
    Attacker's Points: 21
    Bonuses: 0 (-5 evo, +5 flying>Fighting)
    Opponent's Remaining Points: 0
    Attackers Remaining Points: 2

    Magnitude was weakened from the past two fights. He swooped down, grabbing the Rattata, however was soon cut down by an Air Cutter.

    "Pyro, finish the job!" I shouted, "Sky Uppercut then Blaze Kick!"

    The Blaziken punched the Rattata high into the air, before leaping up and flipping forward. He ignited hit foot (?), slamming it into the Zubat. Knocking it into the ground.

    I called both Pokemon back.

    "Good job." I said, "I will make it up to you both when we get back. If we get back."

    I hadn't thought of that. What if I never returned to my world? What if I was stuck here forever?

    I soon realized now was not the time and shifted my attention to Meghan and her fight.


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