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  1. #101
    Certified Eeveelution Enthusiast Dragon Master Mike's Avatar
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    Rose could feel Meghan's Essence in the same way she could feel Rocky's when she had converted him. She concentrated, taking hold if it in her mind. She tried to remove it, but just when she thought she could feel Meghan's resistance failing, her own hold began to slip. Finally, when the alarm went off, her concentration was broken, causing her to stop. She stumbled back light headed.

    "Take them to the roof and don't let them out of your sight!" Rose commanded Rocky furiously. "I'm going to go deal with the others." She found herself even more weakened than she had been before. Despite this, she had no choice but to confront the others. She was actually starting to become slightly concerned. She wasn't worried that anyone would actually be able to stop her of course, but she didn't know if she would be able to stop her old friends without help. She stormed out of the room, walking quickly down the hall towards the stairs she suspected the group to be coming up. She could faintly sense their presence. She leaned against a wall and waited for them.
    Last edited by Dragon Master Mike; 06-25-2016 at 09:42 PM.

  2. #102
    GM Story Info
    Current Location: One Island, Sevii Islands
    Description: Completely ruined city. Black vies cover all the streets and buildings. Shadow Pokemon Run Free.
    Key Locations:
    Time: 5 am
    Day: 14th
    Month: December
    Season: Winter
    Weather: Bitter cold morning
    Current Team: Everyone @Brettles @Pokemon Trainer Sarah @Dragon Master Mike @Alphys @5TailedDemonLizard

    Rocky grabbed Meghan with one arm and the Logan with the other and headed for the rooftop. Rose decided she would wait for her old friends and cut them off. She waited patiently for the others. A few minutes passed as the team finally reached her floor. The run up the stairs had worn them out. Alice lead the way pausing as she noticed Rose blocked the stairway to the exit.

    No one knew what to do at first. There was an awkward silence. Rose did appear to want to fight instead took her time let Alice speak first.

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  3. #103
    growing strong Pokemon Trainer Sarah's Avatar
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    Alice led the way up the stairs. She tried to stay focused and not worry about Max downstairs. She tried to make a plan but there were too many unknowns. Would Rose have the gem? Would it be hidden somewhere? "Honedge... we need to destroy the dark gem," Alice explained to the Pokemon hovering beside her as she ran up the stairs. "If Rose doesn't have the gem, I want you to sneak off and try to find it." Alice turned to the others. "You should get your Pokemon ready, too. If Rose has it, attacking her all at once might be the only way to distract her enough to grab it."

    Finally, they reached Rose's floor. Rose herself stood at the doorway. "Rose!" Alice cried out, stopping in her tracks. Alice's eyes immediately went to the stone around Rose's neck. The gem... it had to be. She tore her eyes away and focused on Rose herself, not wanting to give away the group's plan. Honedge bobbed silently by her side. She hoped the sword Pokemon had noticed it too.

    Rose stood, watching them. Alice took another step forward. "We want to help you, Rose," Alice said. "Giratina has control of you. He's lying to you about everything. You're stronger than he is. You can break free," Alice pleaded. "All Giratina wants is your power! You saw what he did to Max! When he's done, he will destroy you!" Alice cried out.

    Alice could feel the Honedge tense beside her, ready to try to slice the gem from Rose's throat, but she forced herself not to think about it. She knew Rose could probably see into her mind, so she thought only of the old Rose and Amirah and how quiet she had been that first day in Pallet Town, but also how strong, how none of them even suspected she couldn't see. Alice thought of the battle in Cerulean, where Rose had used her power to save them all from Giratina. She hoped Rose was inside there, somewhere... remembering.

  4. #104
    The Queen of Shaymin
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    Kyo froze when they approached and spotted Rose on the stairs. She felt her throat run dry and swallowed roughly. "Rose…" she whispered. Kyo looked over at Alice when Alice let out a heartfelt plea to Rose. But Kyo felt that even something as heartfelt and true as that, Rose wouldn't listen. At least, not the Rose before them. The gem and Giratina had their hold on her. They'd have to do something about that.

    "Alice," Kyo said and nodded to her. "I'm not sure what to do in this situation. But Drowsee and I await your instruction." Drowsee, at Kyo's side, snorted. Kyo knew Drowsee didn't really like listening to her, but at the same time, she had passed his test, so he obeyed her for now. At any moment he could turn on her though, if Drowsee thought Kyo was unworthy. Kyo couldn't let that happen.
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  5. #105
    Certified Eeveelution Enthusiast Dragon Master Mike's Avatar
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    Rose watched as she saw the team run up the stairs to her. She was about to smile, but stopped herself. This was a perfect opportunity to toy with them, as well as try to take them off guard. She wasn't sure if they would fall for it, but it would be amusing either way. "Giratina has control of you. He's lying to you about everything. You're stronger than he is. You can break free." Alice said. She kept one hand in her pocket, holding on to her switchblade. If anyone let their guard down, it would probably end with a knife in their back.

    "Alice?" Rose questioned in a confused tone. "I Don't understand... Break free from what? Where are we?" She asked, playing dumb. She did her best to try and act, and she thought she had been pretty convincing, but there was one thing she had failed to take into account that could have made her seem suspicious. She didn't have Amirah with her, and she was looking Alice straight in the eyes. She only thought about this after speaking, and quickly broke eye contact. Regardless of whether or not they knew her vision had been restored, her act was flawed.

  6. #106
    Roxborough Smithwick(Rocky)
    One City Prison Camp
    Event Posts: 13

    Rocky held the two hostages on the rooftop. He looked over the edge and smirked an evil grin at the though of Meg and Logan falling to their demise.

    "Rose says she want you alive. So you are 'safe' until she says otherwise. Unless of course you struggle and their is an unfortunate accident where your necks get broken! So.. how about it? Who wants to struggle and see what happens?"

    Rocky roared in laughter at the fear he was evoking.

  7. #107
    growing strong Pokemon Trainer Sarah's Avatar
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    "Alice?" Rose questioned in a confused tone. "I Don't understand... Break free from what? Where are we?" Rose said.

    "Rose! You're okay!" Alice cried in relief. She took a step toward Rose but then Honedge was hovering before her, stopping her in her tracks.

    "What- Honedge?" Alice said confusedly, trying to shove past the Pokemon, but the ghost sword stayed stubbornly in place, humming slightly. Alice looked up at Rose on the landing. Rose was looking right back at her.

    Watching her.

    Rose could see?

    Alice looked at Rose fearfully. Do not trust anything she says or does. Max's words echoed in her head. Was this a trick? She had be careful...

    Rose had looked away again, trying to hide her slip up.

    "Now!" Alice cried. Without hesitation, Honedge spun around and sped at Rose, blade outstretched toward her. Its steel body glinted in the dim light. It was aiming for her neck, attempting to cut the dark gem free, or otherwise destroy it.

  8. #108
    Certified Eeveelution Enthusiast Dragon Master Mike's Avatar
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    Rose realized she had messed up. She wasn't particularly surprised when she heard Alice yell. As the Honedge flew towards her neck, her eyes began to glow purple. She reached out her arm, and the Honedge began to slow down, spinning around and into her hand. She lowered the Pokemon down to her side, still holding it by the hilt. It shook slightly as a result of her weakened state, but she was still strong enough to control a single Pokemon.

    "My question still stands." Rose said with a sinister smile. "Break free from what?" She laughed evilly. "It seems that you fail to understand that there is a fundamental difference between me and Max. Max was nothing but a vessel for the creature known as Dredd. I, on the other hand, am completely in control." She explained.

    "I think you should worry less about me and more about yourselves." She continued. "None of you are going to leave here alive. At least, not before I've brought you under my control." Her smile only continued to grow as she spoke. "Now," she began, lifting her arm to point the Honedge at Alice. "I think it's only fitting that you die first, with your own Pokemon as the killing weapon... Unless of course, you'll come with me willingly."

  9. #109
    Experienced Trainer 5TailedDemonLizard's Avatar
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    Meghan winced as she and Logan were dragged to the rooftops by Rocky. This was bad. Very bad. The rest of the team were here, and if they were face to face with Rose...Damn it all, they weren't safe. None of them were! She had only been able to barely resist Rose's influence...And she had led the rest of them right to her. This was all her fault.

    Meghan glanced up at Rocky as he spoke, face set. Struggling would get them nowhere. She needed to get to the others somehow.

    "We don't intend to struggle." She said, standing firm "This isn't like you Rocky...You used to be one of us, and now you want to kill us. You never seemed like one to fall under the control of someone like Giratina."

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  10. #110
    growing strong Pokemon Trainer Sarah's Avatar
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    Rose grabbed Honedge out of the air. Alice gaped at her.

    "It seems that you fail to understand that there is a fundamental difference between me and Max. Max was nothing but a vessel for the creature known as Dredd. I, on the other hand, am completely in control." Rose said. "I think it's only fitting that you die first, with your own Pokemon as the killing weapon... Unless of course, you'll come with me willingly."

    "That's not true! The real Rose... the real you... would never do this! She was the kindest person I had ever met! Giratina is controlling you. He's tricked you into thinking you're the boss. But you're not! You never will be! You're doing exactly what he wants even now. Go ahead... do something he hasn't ordered and you'll soon see his rage turn on you!" Alice shouted. She held Houndour's Pokeball in her hand.

    Rose had Honedge pointed right at Alice.

    "Honedge! Fight it!" Alice cried. Alice wasn't sure if the Pokemon was still in control of itself. But even then, their bond had been tenuous at best.

    "Kyo, Brandon! Now!" Alice yelled. She released her Houndour from its Pokeball at Rose, and hoped that Kyo and Brandon would follow suit with their Pokemon. Overpowering Rose together was their only chance.


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