Not sure if I'm too late to post or if leveling up here is ok...


Pokemon leveling up: Pichu
Level ups: 4
Cost: 8
Points on hand: 39
Points after: 31
Final Level: 18

Pokemon Leveling up: Ivysaur
Level ups: 15
Cost: 30
Points on hand: 31
Points after: 1
Final Level: 40

Pokemon evolving: Ivysaur
Evolution: Venusaur
Cost: Paid through leveling up
Points on hand: 1
Points after:1
Trainer Card: in sig

Normal Mode

Opponent: Seal
Attacker: Comusken
Opponent's Point Value: 17
Attacker's Point Value: 25
Bonuses: +3(+5 Water over fire; -2 evolution bonus/
Opponents's Remaining Points: 0
Attacker's Remaining Points: 5
Link to stats: in sig

Opponent: Staryu
Attacker: Venusaur
Opponent's Point Value:25
Attacker's Point Value 40
Bonuses: (-5 Grass over water; +5 Psychic over poison; - 5 Evolution Bonus)
Opponents's Remaining Points: 0
Attacker's Remaining Points: 20
Link to stats: in sig

Opponent: Starmie
Attacker: Pichu
Opponent's Point Value: 40
Attacker's Point Value 18
Bonuses: 0 (+5 Evolution Bonus; -5 Electric over water)
Opponents's Remaining Points: 22
Attacker's Remaining Points: 0
Link to stats: In sig

Opponent: Starmie
Attacker: Venusaur
Opponent's Point Value: 22
Attacker's Point Value: 20
Bonuses: 0 (- 5 Grass over water; +5 Psychic.over.poison)
Opponents's Remaining Points: 2
Attacker's Remaining Points: 0
Link to stats: in sig

Opponent: Starmie
Attacker: Comusken
Opponent's Point Value: 2
Attacker's Point Value: 5
Bonuses: +12 (+5 Water over fire; +5 Psychic over Fighting; +2 evolution bonus)
Opponents's Remaining Points: 2
Attacker's Remaining Points: 0
Link to stats: in sig

I lost :(

I did the math and low on points :(