GM Story Info
Current Location: One Island, Sevii Islands
Description: Completely ruined city. Black vies cover all the streets and buildings. Shadow Pokemon Run Free.
Key Locations:
Time: ----
Day: 14th
Month: December
Weather: Bitter cold morning
Current Team: Everyone @Brettles @Pokemon Trainer Sarah @Dragon Master Mike @Alphys @5TailedDemonLizard

Final Post! A lot of Bunny will occur.

Lord Garit stood there

"What... Do you think you're doing?" Rose growled

" I am simply helping you ascend." He smiled holding her in the center.

Rocky turned his anger towards Lord Garit. Rocky was big but Lord Garit was huge. Even the powerful but worn down Rocky could only do limited damage. Rocky threw the entirety of his weight at Lord Garit which knocked the man back making him drop Rose. Before Rocky could do to much Garit knocked the trainer onto his back and was about crush his head. Logan and Kyo pulled Rocky back just in time. The three trainers had one goal.

Kyo looked Meghan.
"This is your chance!" She called turning towards Logan

" This is going to suck. But lets see what we can do." He nodded

Rocky didnt want to work with these people but there a clear enemy. The three trainers charged over and attacked Lord Garit at once. Brandon jumped in as well hitting the lord from the side and the four of them took him down.

Meghan painfully rushed over to Rose. Surely Rose will understand now she thought. Rose fought herself to her feet.

"Rose its the gem. This is all been about the gem!" Meghan pleaded.

Rose backed away from her friend letting out a hiss.
" You must think me to be a fool." Rose said shoving Meghan.

" Lord Garit is like the rest of you traitors, he just wants the gem for himself!!" She said lunging at Meghan.

The two hit the ground hard and began to fight. Meghans only goal was to get the gem. As she wrestled Rose for it she could feel her own anger rising. The gem was to close. Reese had warned of this gems influence over ambition. Meghan began to fight harder for it eventually getting Rose to the ground. Megahn began to slam the girl against the ground unaware of what the gem was doing to them. The weakened Rose fought back by scratching at Meghans face.

Alice rushed to Max's aide. She shook his shoulders.
"Max? Are you okay?"

Max opened his eyes. Quickly reaching for his gut. His hand now covered in thick blood.
" Its almost time." Max said faintly

Max forced himself up.
" Gotta save Rose...Gotta help Meghan."

Max looked at Alice for a moment
" Get your friends clear of this."

Painfully he ran right at Giratina.

As he did the Meghan finally got the gem in her hand. Rose laid there her body badly damaged. Meghan struggled with the gems powers.

"How do I destory this!" She screamed out in pain.

Lord Garit saw the gem and his defeated vessel. He threw off all four trainers. Now trying to force one last blast. Max rushed towards what he knew would be his end. Using his own powers he pushed Rocky, Kyo, Logan and Brandon out the way of the buidling blast. Lord Garit focused drawing in energy for only a few moments. He growled at Meghan.

" I have seen many worlds and many times. You and I are destined to battle many times and you even defeat me in some of those worlds but not on this world."

Meghan's body was almost frozen as she could feel the gem unleashing energy through her. When Lord Garit began to talk she couldnt run. She looked down and notice it was Rose using her own power to lock her into place. Rose's last act of hate mad her laugh laying there on the ground.

As could be expected Alice watched all of this play out. Unable to stop the string of events she knew was coming. her first instincts were to get to Meghan and she ran over as fast as she could.

Max's final perspective.

You fight for something..fight for anything my dad told me. He told me that life is full of discovery. But that it came at a cost. To truly be apart of the world around us we had to throw ourselves into the mix. I dont think he meant literally though. As I run towards my own fate I can help but look around and feel like all of this has played out before.

With a thrust of energy I knock the trainers out of the way of this blast. This is not there time nor there moment. Giratina has taken every bit of me from me. It will not take that from them. I feel the ground under my feet and as I run and leap. When the wave of every hits. I focus as hard as I can. I focus on all the good things in my life. Finally in the last moments I see a white gate opening. In the distance I I look different and Im with a weird pokemon. I am ...I am not afraid... I will be again...I reach my hand out in the direction the others are in.
"Live.." I cry out before fading away.

Max runs and jumps in the way of the energy beam. The bright beam blinds the team as the turn away. Alice struggles to watch as Max is obliterated in the beam. Max had taken most of the energy in the blast but there was still enough to send Rocky and the others into the air. The explosion all hit Rose knocking her out finally and knocked Alice and Meghan back hard to the ground. Alice struggled to her feet. She looked around watching the others lay in pain trying to move. Brandon, Rocky, Kyo and Logan all struggled to get up. Rose laid there now in a daze releasing Meghan from her hold. Alice's hand shook as she looked at Meghan but turned back towards Lord Garit.

Alice uncharacteristically ran towards the god. She was now pure hate. The spirit of vengeance in her eyes. She scrambled to pick up something to attack him with grabbing a piece of cement broken off in the explosion. Lord Garit was on his knees by the time she got to him. His energy in this world now spent. Alice hit him in the face with the cement and kept going. As he fell the ground she climbed on top of him and just kept waking away. Tears poured out of her eyes as she struck him over and over and over until there was nothing left of his face. Brandon made his way over helping pull her off.

" Alice..Stop" he said pulling her off the dead god.

Meanwhile Megahn watched in horror realzing what this gem had done to all of her friends. She looked at the gem with hate.
" this ends now!" She said turning her rage into slamming the gem into the ground.

Kyo saw this and fought herself to stand.
"Meghan NO!!!" She cried out as couldnt make it time.

With a third strike to the ground the gem exploded. The energy killed Meghan and freed Rose and Rocky.

Kyo ran over to Meghan and dropped to her knees. She lifted up the lifeless trainer.
" Please wake up, please..." she cried.

" She can no longer hear you." A warming voice said behind her.

Kyo turned to see what it was and was taken back my the small green pokemon floating behind her.

"I have heard your cry and felt your pain. I am sorry I am to late. I have come to offer you a potential solution."

Kyo watched as time started to warp behind her.
" Tell me a time and place we can go to fix this!"

Ill leave this last part open. I dont want to rob you all of being able to respond. Meg please feel free to respond building up to it if you like.