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Local Events to Return in 2023 for Play! Pokemon!

Play Pokemon
The time to head back to your local shop is coming soon!

If you are on the hunt for Championship Points at your local League then you will want to hear this piece of news. League Challenge and League Cups are to be returning in 2023.

At the moment, due to COVID, League Challenges and League Cups have been suspended. This has been since March 2020 in an attempt to keep players healthy and lessen the chance to spread COVID.

Pokemon has asked Professors and League Owners to start reporting attendance for their League as of September. This is to ensure that Leagues will be eligible to host events at the beginning of 2023. At the moment, Leagues are being asked to submit at least one report between September and December. Though, as soon as the season enters 2023, Leagues are expected to report monthly. This was the norm prior to March 2020. By doing reporting, Leagues can ensure that they receive their allocation of League supplies and prize support once events return.

Currently, there has been no word on when League Challenges and League Cups will return. It is expected to be early 2023.

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