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Podcasters Questionnaire: Pokémon Radio #PokePodMonth2023

Podcasters Questionnaire
Crank up that Pokemon Radio!

July is Pokemon Podcast Month. A month where we get to celebrate our favorite Pokemon podcasts.

Pokemon Podcasts have a vast array of hosts. All of them come from various backgrounds and think in different way. The one thing that they all have in common is that they host their podcast as if they are a friend. A friend where you can come to every episode in hopes to have a conversation with them. One where you can enjoy their company for various minutes as you do something from driving, enjoying a meal or just doing something in your everyday life.

Still, as friends you want to get to know them a bit better. So we have taken the chance to ask some of your favorite Pokemon podcasters various of questions. Some of these questions range from podcasting in general to why they simply love Pokemon. Overall, we want to give you a chance to get closer to the friends that you love to listen and talk to every episode.

Today we have the following answering our Pokemon Podcast questionnaire:
Derik and Ceci from Pokemon Radio.

What drew you to the Pokemon franchise?

Pokemon RadioDerik and Ceci: We’ve been playing with our siblings since we were young! We continue to love Pokémon as it keeps us connected to our friends

What inspired you to podcast?

Pokemon RadioDerik and Ceci: Derik and I can talk about any topic for any period of time, and we love to share (force) our passions onto our friends – podcasting was just the next logical step!

What is your thought process when it comes to picking music for your podcast?

Pokemon RadioDerik and Ceci: I try to come up with an idea for how I want the music to sound based on the content (a satirical ad, a serious PSA, etc.) and find GarageBand loops that layer in a way that matches the energy I’m trying to evoke!

What keeps you going when it comes to podcasting and Pokemon?

Pokemon RadioDerik and Ceci: I have so much fun recording with Derik, our conversations flow so easily and we only use a very loose episode outline, so it really just feels like I get to hang out with my best friend for an hour every week, which is a great way to spend time!

When you record your podcast, who do you wish to reach with it?

Pokemon RadioDerik and Ceci: People in their 20s and 30s who still love Pokémon but maybe don’t have as much of an outlet to express their love now that we’ve grown up a bit and have “adult responsibilities.” We want to be your best nerdy friends!

What is the hardest part when it comes to podcasting?

Pokemon RadioDerik and Ceci: Editing isn’t the most fun, but mixing our “ad breaks” and getting to share them with Derik after is always fun!

What has been the best Podcast moment you have had?

Pokemon RadioDerik and Ceci: It’s not a specific moment, but sometimes we finish recording an episode and just look at each other and say “wow, that was amazing!” It feels really great to just really nail and episode and know that it’s perfect

Huge thank you to Derik and Ceci for taking the time to answer these questions.

We hope you enjoy this moment with your friend if you are a listener of this podcast. If you are not then how about you take a chance and make a new friend by listening to Pokemon Radio.

Make sure to give them a review on Apple Podcasts or your favorite podcatcher! Don’t touch that Totodile! See you all next time!

Ongoing Conversation