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Fantastic Fan Art: ALOLA! ft. Ultra Protags

ALOLA! by Constarlation on pixiv

Time to get ultra hype with some ultra cool redesigns!

Constarlation has decided to take a look at some old protagonist to give them an ultra new look! The artist took Hilda, Dawn and Ethan to give them an Alola vacation design. Each trainer look as if they are ready for a vacation in Alola. They surely need it after their tough journeys.

It would be amazing to see something like these designs in Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon. The artist may have taken some liberties with the designs for some of the characters but they look great. There is a bit of a classic flair to some like Ethan who doesn’t change much from his original design. Meanwhile, Hilda has ditched the shorts for a trendy dress. It doesn’t look bad! Lastly, Dawn has a happy medium of both new and old!

This piece looks fantastic! Make sure to check out Constarlation‘s work on Pixiv!

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