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Battle Showdown Event in Pokemon GO

Battle Showdown
It is time to GO out and fight in Pokemon GO!

Pokemon GO has announced a new event that will run from May 1st to May 14th call the Battle Showdown Event! This event will test the merit of your Fighting Pokemon. Expect to see plenty of battling as Fighting type Pokemon enter the ring for this event.

During the Battle Showdown, expect to see an increase of Fighting Pokmeon such as Machop, Makuhita and Meditite. There has been several slighting of Shiny variants for Makuhita and Meditite. You will also see a higher chance to hatch Tyrogue from eggs. All of these Fighting type Pokemon will be perfect as you build up a strong Fighting fighter to go against the Regi Trio when they do become Raid Bosses. After all, Regirock, Registeel and Regice all share a weakness to Fighting type Pokemon.

Other rewards to be given during the Battle Showdown will involve battling in raids and gyms. You will receive two times bonus experience for Gym Battles and Raid Battles. If you take part in Raid Battles then will also award a guaranteed 3,000 Stardust for participating and at least one Rare Candy if you win!

Do not want to battle at a gym? Then that is fine because gyms will give you two times Badge multiplier when you spin the disc. You will also receive more items from spinning a disc at a gym.

Lastly, there will be special item boxes to buy in the shop. These item boxes include Raid Passes, Max Potions, Star Pieces and more.

Best of luck in your battling during the Battle Showdown event!

Source: Pokemon GO Hub

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