Pokemon has announced a new distribution event for the summer. Starting next month, Pokemon players can pick up a serial code to download Dragonite at their local GameStop for Pokemon OmegaRuby and AlphaSapphire.
This Dragonite will be perfect for battle with the attacks: Dragon Dance, Outrage, Extreme Speed and Hurricane. It will have the Multiscale ability which is Dragonite’s Hidden Ability and holds a Lum Berry. The attacks and ability are difficult to breed onto Dragonite so this will be a great help for beginners and breeders.
The announcement for this distribution event is perfectly timed as today is the release date for the newest TCG set, Roaring Skies. This TCG set has a focus on Dragon and winged Pokemon which matches Dragonite perfectly.
This event runs from June 22nd to July 12th.
Below is the video that announced the Dragonite event.