Check out all the new events that we’re getting as rewards!
Niantic have announced the next Pokémon GO event. Due to all players globally hitting the targets required over the GO Fest Chicago 2019 weekend, from now until June 25th 20:00 UTC you will receive ouble candy on Capture and Hatch, 1 guaranteed Rare Candy each raid and half egg distance.
Niantic have announced the details of the Raikou Raid Day event. This event, unlocked by completing the challenges for GO Fest CHicago 2019 worldwide, will run on June 29th at 4pm local time. At that time, Raikou will be available in raids for a short period, with Shiny Raikou being possible to be encountered.
Cresselia has now left Raid Battles in Pokémon GO and has been replaced by the Legendary Pokémon, Kyogre. From now until June 27th at 20;00 UTC, all Level 5 Raid Eggs that spawn will feature Kyogre, with Shiny Kyogre once again being possible from raids. With this, the raid bosses will be rotating. The new listing is as follows:
Tier 1:
- Magnemite
- Shinx
- Mareep
- Lotad
Tier 2:
- Exeggutor
- Electabuzz
- Mawile
- Breloom
- Manectric
Tier 3:
- Alolan Raichu
- Machamp
- Tangela
- Jolteon
Tier 4:
- Venusaur
- Tyranitar
- Absol
- Alolan Marowak
Tier 5:
- Kyogre
- Deoxys Defense Form (EX Raids only)