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Props for Detective Pikachu Movie Found

Detective Pikachu Movie
Ryme City is looking pretty nice when it comes to the police.

Filming for the Detective Pikachu movie started this month in London. So those are from the city may notice that London and Ryme City may have some things in common. Thanks to movie magic, all you need is a few props to transform an ordinary city into a place of wonder!

Twitter user, HowardBud, has stumbbled upon the props that will make up the Ryme City Police Department. Some of these props includes the sign at the front of the building which can be seen above. Other props includes missing Pokemon posters and signs. You can look below.

It is worth nothing that this film will feature Pokemon from various generations. You can see this by looking at the missing Pokemon posters.

Detective Pikachu will be released in May 2019.

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