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Spotlight Hour: Aipom

Aipom Spotlight hour
Time to monkey around!

On June 29th the Spotlight will shine on, Aipom, the Long Tail Pokémon. To fully prepare you for this hour long weekly event, let’s go on a journey to discover everything we can about this Normal Type Pokémon.

About Aipom

Aipom is 2’7″ and weighs 25.4 lbs. Aipom will often use it’s tail to suspend itself from trees while it sleeps. It can also use that tail hand to grab and open various fruits. Because Aipom relies on it’s tail for so many things, it’s actual hands have become less dexterous over time.

It’s name is derived from Ape and Palm. It could also reference a monkey of Aztec mythology that had a human hand on it’s tail.

In Pokémon GO

Aipom, in its base stage, has its strongest moveset in Scratch & Return and it has a Max CP of 1,348. Ambipom, the evolution of Aipom, has it’s strongest moveset in Scratch & Hyper Beam and it has a Max CP of 2,418.

Shiny form of Aipom was released on the Detective Pikachu Celebration on May 7th, 2019.

Tips for Spotlight Hour

This Spotlight hour, which runs form 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. local time will also feature 2x the Stardust when catching Pokémon. Use this hour effectively so you can earn as much bonus Stardust as possible. Pop an incense before they get nerfed, and rake in as much Stardust as you can so you can continue to trade and power-up your Pokémon. Don’t forget to use a Starpiece as well to get even more Stardust!

See you around, Genesect!

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