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Crossroads Comics Minis #4- Basti’s Black 2 Nuzlocke

It’s Tuesday which means it’s time for a Crossroads Comics Mini!

This week we’re taking a look at Basti’s Black 2 Nuzlocke. It’s not often we get to see nuzlocke comics of the sequel games for Unova. Basti’s Black 2 Nuzlocke is one of the few to stay active in recent times and is already reaching an exciting fast paced plot despite only being at the second gym. The story follows Basti, a trainer who receives his first Pokémon from Bianca to go on a journey, as he travels through Unova two years following the fall of Plasma. Basti and his rival Hugh both want to challenge the league and become champions, but Hugh also appears to have an ulterior motive for this journey. When Team Plasma is spotted, Hugh seems bent on confronting them and discovering just what they’re up to. But at what cost? For Basti, it may be more than he bargained for.

This comic’s strongest point is its visuals. While the story thus far has been typical of regular Black 2, the visual aspects of the story are what make it really unique. It makes the story feel dark and more grim, which works really well with some of the character arcs we see that are equally gritty. This also really contributes to making Team Plasma feel like a real threat. They aren’t pushovers like in the games. These are serious criminals that can kill you if they want, and the visual style really lends itself to that. The character arcs are also quite enjoyable, with I’m sure plenty more to come, so be sure to check this comic out while you can!

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