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First TCG Set for Generation 9 in Japan!

Pokemon ex
A new generation of Pokemon is right around the corner.

We are a month away from a new generation of Pokemon. Our adventures in the Paldea region is coming! That means we will see the TCG making the jump into Generation 9. Though, that will have to wait until early 2023. Still! Today we have gotten the name of the new sets coming to the Pokemon TCG for Japan. These new set names will usher in Generation 9 into the TCG along with the ex mechanic. And they will all be release in Japan first!

Introducing Scarlet ex & Violet ex

The new sets release in Japan that will introduce Generation 9 will be called Scarlet ex & Violet ex. This will be a pair of sets that will be release on the same day. That day happen to be January 20th, 2023. Scarlet ex & Violet ex will also be the start of the G Block for the Pokemon TCG.

Scarlet ex & Violet ex will not only introduce plenty of new Pokemon. It will also introduce, or re-introduce, the ex mechanic. The ex mechanic was first introduced back in Ruby & Sapphire era. Though, it was re-introduced as EX during the Black & White era. The difference was that the BW era EX Pokemon featured Pokemon that were evolved but as Basic Pokemon. The ex mechanic for Generation 8 will be similar to the RS era where Pokemon can evolve into ex Pokemon.

We do not know all the Pokemon that will be in Scarlet ex & Violet ex. During the Pokemon World Championships 2022, we saw cards for Mimikyu ex, Lucario ex and Magnezone ex. There will also be cards for Ampharos ex.

We have also seen cards for Koraidon ex and Miraidon ex. These cards feature attacks and abilities. Though, we have not see their type, Stage or HP.

It is suspected that Scarlet ex & Violet ex will be part of the first US and international release for the Generation 9 TCG. We suspect this set to simply called Scarlet & Violet though there is no confirmation of this. There are currently no details on the first international set for Generation 9. It is expected that this set will be release in February or March.

Triplet Beat Mini-set

ex pokemon
We will also see a mini-set called, Triplet Beat. This mini-set will act as a “strengthening expansion pack” to go along with Scarlet ex & Violet ex. Triplet Beat will be a smaller set compare to Scarlet ex & Violet ex.

This set will most likely release in Japan only. Though, cards from Triplet Beat will be release international in the May set for English and around the world.

Triplet Beat will be release in Japan on March 10th.

Source: PokeBeach

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