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Pokemon Oceania International Championships Streaming Soon!

Get ready to watch Pokemon live from Australia! The second Pokemon International Championship event of 2018 is beginning soon at Sydney Olympic Park.

It will run from February 9th to 11th and includes TCG, VGC and Pokken Tournament DX competitions. Juniors, Masters and Seniors will all be competing for championship points to earn an elusive ticket to the World Championships later this year.

Meanwhile, fans from around the world will be able to watch the competitions streaming live on Twitch. Commentators include three-time VGC world champion Ray Rizzo and PTCGRadio podcast host and TCG player Ross Gilbert.

Streaming Schedule (All times EST.)

Thursday, February 8
5:30 p.m.: Pokémon TCG and Pokémon VGC match coverage

Friday, February 9
5:30 p.m.: Pokkén Tournament DX, Pokémon TCG, and Pokémon VGC match coverage

Saturday, February 10
5:30 p.m.: Final matches for Pokkén Tournament DX, Pokémon TCG, and Pokémon VGC

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