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Could There Be A New Type In Pokémon X & Y?

Currently, we have a total of 17 Pokémon types, which are Normal, Fire, Water, Electric, Grass, Ice, Fighting, Poison, Ground, Flying, Psychic, Bug, Rock, Ghost, Dragon, Dark, and Steel. Would we ever get a new type, though? According to GenGame, along with the introduction of the newest eeveelution Sylveon, there’s a high chance that we might get a new “Fairy” Pokémon type.

[quote]Nintendo and The Pokémon Company have worked hard to keep the type to which the brand-new Eevee evolution Sylveon belongs a secret, which has led to extensive speculation that it could introduce a new Pokémon type. However, it’s been a challenge coming up with the type to which it might belong. “Light-type” has been one of the most common guesses, as a contrast to Dark-type; however, “Fighting” already opposes the “Dark” type, which is actually called “Evil”-type in Japan.

Sylveon isn’t the only known Fairy-type – the legendary Xerneas belongs to this group as well, with Yveltal being a hybrid Dark/Flying Pokémon. This would seem to place the Fairy-type in opposition to the Dark-type. In addition, a number of older Pokémon who fit the “Fairy-type” mold, including Togepi, Clefairy, and others will be re-typed to expand the new type to encompass more monsters.[/quote]

Read the full article here.

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